Dear Girls & Guns Santa

Nov 26, 2010 16:22

Sorry it's taken so long. Life got stupidly hectic for awhile. Anyway. I've described my likes and dislikes a number of times in other Dear Santa letters that I'm going to be lazy and say check the last couple of posts. Summary: yay for angst and h/c, boo for heavy kink, crack and kidfic. As far as ratings, I'm cool with anything. I would prefer plot to PWP but feel free to put porn in the plot.

Request 1: Warehouse 13 (Myka/Claudia)
I bet you were expecting Myka/HG as a request, weren't you? Heck, you probably even ship them. I do too. But I saw Myka/Claudia way back in first season with the Alice episode. Sadly, it seemed like I was the only one who ever saw it because there was no fic for it. Actually, there may have been one or two fics but, for some reason, I remember not liking them. Not sure why, but something didn't click with me. I would love to see something angsty with these two. With everything that happened in season 2, I see this happening either pre-HG (or when they were working together and HG first showed up) or post-finale. I still think there needs to be a post-Duped fic. I loved that episode for so many reasons, not least because it hit my "character is turned evil" kink so hard. You have no idea. Even though Myka doesn't remember the evil thing. Claudia fought so hard for Myka while she was stuck in the mirror, that I couldn't help but ship them after this. Want to do something sweet, a la "Thank you for believing in me"? Go for it. Wanna do a Alice!Myka toys with Claudia and Claudia totally digs it and Myka and Claudia do something about it? Hell freaking yeah. I may have a "throwing each other against walls" kink, too. Just saying.

If you're not a fan of that, I would also like to see speculation fic about post season 2. Does Claudia go chasing after Myka (she totally would)? Do they get to have a "the Warehouse needs you but I need you more" scene? I'm totally okay with past Myka/HG and Claudia helping her through that by being sexy and geeky and awesome. This is way more open based on what you think will happen. Basically, so long as there is Myka/Claudia, there is awesome. All I ask is that you stay away from any kind of parental thing in the past for them. I never saw that and it does help me ship them.

Request 2: The Good Wife (Alicia/Kalinda)
I love the way that Kalinda flirts with Alicia and how very shameless she can be. I also love how completely clueless Alicia is most of the time. I also hate the tug of war they have going with Will and Peter. That said, if you want to do something that plays off that tug of war but with Kalinda standing silently in the background as that unknown third player, I'm all for it. I just prefer mention of any het sexytimes be kept to a minimum. I'm not currently caught up with this series, but I hear there's been some Kalinda/Cary stuff going on. Let me just say: NO. Shouldn't be a problem with a femslash challenge, but just thought I'd put it out there. I can't give you nearly as much direction with these two simply because there hasn't been a single, BAM episode to define the pairing like there was for WH13. Make Alicia as knowledgeable in lesbionics as you wish (she went to college!). Just not stupid. Make either of them the aggressor. And spoil as much as you wish. I plan to get caught up, but, even if I don't, I'm a spoiler whore. Just let me know if it's an ep tag so I can watch the ep before reading.

I just made a note in the next request about canon couples and realized I should probably address that here concerning Alicia and Peter. To me, they are not a couple. She is technically still married to him, but mostly because she knows it's best for her family and the political image. I have no problems with Peter knowing about Kalinda and being told to deal with it or get divorce papers and a crap shot in his political career.

Request 3: Law and Order: UK (Alesha Philips/Natalie Chandler)
I totally blame last year's Yuletide for this one. No, really. I got this as a request and wasn't sure I could do it. Then I checked the requestor's journal, found some awesome meta and have shipped them ever since. It probably helps that I also ship Matt/James and that handily takes care of the other two contenders for Alesha's affections. I also gave Natalie's husband a noble death pre-series because I firmly believe in doing something about canon marriages/pairings. If you want to read it, go here to see my take. As a note: I also requested this for Yuletide this year, so feel free to check that Dear Santa letter for more. I just really want to see how other people write this pairing.

Request 4: Crossover: Criminal Minds/The Good Wife (Emily/Alicia) (Emily/Kalinda)
This is my wildcard that I don't expect to get written, but would think it totally badass if it did get done. I also have very little in the way of help for you. Wanna bring the BAU to Chicago with them investigating some hotshot client as the possible unsub? I'm all over it. Wanna give Emily a past with either Alicia or Kalinda and do a story about how they got together? Sounds interesting. You can't go wrong with this one.

There you have it. My requests. If you have a question about anything, be it my personal head canon or if I'm okay with a certain mild kink or whatever, then feel free to respond anonymously here. I'm happy to answer any questions you may have. I just want you to write the fic you know you can write and you'll have fun with. I'm easy that way.

santa letter, girls & guns

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