Well, my lovely flist, it's that time of year again. The time when, despite the fact that I'm terrible at updating, I suddenly give you a whole bunch of Dear Santa letters.
Dear 3_ships Santa:
As far as fic goes, I like pretty much everything except for heavy kink that involves scat or water sports. Breath play is good, blood play can be hot and on and on. If you have an idea for a kink and aren't sure if I'll like it, feel free to leave an anon comment and I'll get back to you. I am an angst and H/C whore, but I also love really good fluff. I don't expect a holiday fic, but if that's what you've got, then go for it. I'm also not hugely fond of crack!fic. I'm also not really a fan of kids or kid fic, unless there are canon children like in Criminal Minds
I love all ratings. If you don't write porn, I'll love it. If you do write porn, I'll still love it so long as you don't have a magical self lubricating penis or anything like that. Sex needs lube or else it hurts and that sort of pain is not cool.
Story Element: There's the relationship the older generation expects them to have and the one they actually have.
So, with this, I was really thinking in terms of what we found out at the end of the season. I'm going to be intentionally vague in case you haven't seen it. As I'm typing I'm realizing how dependent this prompt is on the end of the season. If you haven't seen the end of it, stop reading now cause it may get spoilery.
You don't necessarily have to deal with the last two minutes of the finale (I'm not sure how you would, but I will love you if you do in an OT3 context). But I do like how both Duke and Nathan's fathers were all, you can't love Audrey (implicitly with Duke and explicitly with Nathan). Even the Rev was trying to pull them away from each other and yet, despite all of these people expecting them not to be close, Nathan and Audrey keep drawing Duke in. I would love you to play with that. If you like doing thinky pieces, feel free to write this from any POV you like, including those in the older generation.
Criminal Minds
Story Element: they thought they had lost her forever; welcoming Emily home
I actually didn't watch anything after Lauren until the new season started because I was so mad that they killed off Emily. Then I saw the soccer clips between Hotch and Rossi on YouTube and realized I couldn't quit CM. As far as my personal canon, I'm kind of thinking that Hotch told Rossi or heavily implied it, especially with what Rossi said to him. In my shippy eye, when Emily came back, there was also a careful bit of space between her and her boys like she was afraid if she did, she wouldn't let them go.
I would love to see Hotch and Rossi coping without Emily in their own, slightly dysfunctional way or something porny after Emily gets back or even the three of them sort of renegotiating their relationship. I also normally don't like kids in fic, but I would be interested to see if Hotch explained Emily's "death" differently to Jack knowing she might come back. If not, I can see Jack wondering why Mommy can't come back too. Pretty much anything set in the new season is good with me. As of this posting, I have only seen through...703? I think. Just the first few. I do plan to catch up, though.
Note: I didn't put it on the sign up, but the first few eps I saw, I started seeing Emily/JJ like we got in third season. I don't necessarily see it as a regular moresome to add to the main threesome, but if you want to give them an open relationship and have mention of side Emily/JJ, I wouldn't be averse to it.
Story Element: the lengths they would go to protect each other
I know for this one, it probably seems like I'm setting you up for a dark fic. If you like to write dark fic, go for it. I'm a huge fan. Maybe they essentially turn on Nate and Sophie for each other or they do something not nice (especially Parker and Hardison, since we know Eliot doesn't have as many problems with this). I also know that that's not everyone's cuppa. No worries. You can do something where one of them does something really out of their comfort zone to help the other two (or two for one) or something following those slightly lighter lines. Whatever you prefer. This is the one of the three where if you go slightly cracky, I won't mind as much. Preferably not supercrack or OOC, but I see the show as occasionally cracky in it's own right, so out of the box is easier in this fandom.
If you have any other questions, definitely feel free to leave me an anon comment and I'll do my best to answer. But I know that, whatever you come up with, it will be brilliance.