photos from mom's wedding

Oct 05, 2005 18:10

Okey-dokey. There hasn't been a new photo of me on the internet in a few years, so I figure I'll post some of me and my family from my mom and Richard's wedding this past Saturday. There's 20-some photos, and under each I've told who's in it from left to right. :) Enjoy!!!

Mommy talking to someone off of the balcony at Richard's

Richard's brother Tommy, my new step-brother Steven, Richard, and Richard's friend Gabe

Sister Nicole, Mommy, Me, Sister Megan - not one of us paying attention!!!

Aaron (Nicole's boyfriend), Nicole

Nicole, Mommy, Me, Megan

Megan, Nicki, Me, Mom, Richard, Step-brother Steven, Step-sister Kayla

Same as above


Me, Nicki, Richard, Mommy, Megan

Richard and Mommy, the happy couple

Megan, Mom, the Mayor (who married them), Richard, and some of Gabe

Back of Nicki, Mayor, mommy, Richard, some of Gabe :-p

Mommy as she's forgetting her vows, the Mayor, Richard

Mommy and Richard watching as Megan gives a speech, various relatives in background

Mommy crying at Megan's speech, Richard, Richard's sister Karen (in pink jacket on right)

Megan going to hug Mommy and Richard after her speech

Mommy and Richard


Mom afraid of Richard smashing the cake in her face

Same as above

Richard, Richard's brother Bobby, Mom

Drinks all around!!!

Dancing in Richard's living room

Dancing again (can't keep my family off the dance floor!)



Hugs all around and me just over Richard's shoulder blitzed out of my mind!!!
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