I'd had the thought of complaining to the guy's upstream provider that he was knowingly providing pornography to minors, to get his access pulled. To do that, I'd need to find the LJ of a minor who still had the goatse picture, or who was willing to do some of the footwork of actually making the complaint. Having the approximate time would make that easier.
Here's the LJ account of the perpetrator, discussing his little prank--gotten by clicking through the "LJ mojo" link. Don't personally know of any minors affected, but I'd be pretty surprised, LJ being what it is, if there were none. Rotten trick, in any case. (April 12 was the date that the friend upon whose site I got the link just now posted it.) http://d1rtyf1lthy.livejournal.com/257310.html?mode=reply
Comments 4
I thought it was (even more) pointless (than most LJ memes, of which I do a lot), so I didn't do it, but a lot of my friends did.
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