I already posted about the "good" from this past week, now just a tiny bit of "bad", cause it's been brought to my attention and some of my lovely friends have either gotten the wrong idea or have asked in an attempt to make sure they didn't have a wrong idea :-)
So, while I did have a "might fine" time down in Hot-lanta, there were some things I didn't get to do that I really, REALLy would have loved to have done.
And all those things can be summed up in a single sentence:
I would have loved to seen more (if not all) of my friends that live down there.
The fact that I didn't get to rests, I guess, on my shoulders, cuz I sort of floated through the weekend and didn't take any active steps to seeing everyone. Some of this was because, when I came down Wednesday night, I wasn't sure I was staying until Thursday night, much less until Sunday. Then I didn't want to impose upon my lovely hosts to track down my friends and help me see them. Then, several things that we were supposed to do either got cancelled or plans got changed last second and we simply didn't make it everywhere.....
All that to say that I'm sorry to anyone I didn't get to see... I'll hopefully have the chance to remedy this soon... :-)
ALL my 'lanta friends: Love ya guys (and gals)... and I'll see you soon, k?