Okay...I got a little bored and I've decided to create a little community dedicated to Tolkien fanfictions. People can review, discuss, and advertise their own fics (or suggest others'). I just created it, so there aren't really a lot of members as of yet ^^* But feel free to join if you're interested.
lotr_fic_addict EDIT:
Kou Seiya - You're the goofy, fun type, but you
have a serious side. You only show it to
people you trust, and there aren't many of
them. To everyone else, you're the fun guy.
Which is still cool. =)
Which Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon StarS character are you? brought to you by
You Are A Corsair!
What Type Of Swashbuckler Are You? brought to you by
Maddog Varuka & Dawg Brown
Your life should be an Action/Adventure
Movie. You see life as one great big
explosion waiting to happen. You are the life
of the party, but friends and acquaintances
have a tendency to die in a hail of bullets.
Your Life Should Be A Movie brought to you by
Fallen Angel.
What kind of Angel are you? brought to you by
You're Haldir!
Which of Peter Jackson's LotR Abominations Are You? brought to you by
The Angry Princess
What sign of the Black Zodiac are you? brought to you by
You are Neo, from "The Matrix." You
display a perfect fusion of heroism and
What Matrix Persona Are You? brought to you by
You are The Fool. The Fool is not expected to
follow the same rules as others. He is
unpredictable and full of fun. Anything goes.
The Fool represents complete faith that life is
good and people are worthy of trust. You are
the Fool, believe in yourself and follow your
Which Tarot Card are You? brought to you by
Bother, Corey Taylor.
Whats Your Suicide Ballad? brought to you by