Thank you for writing for me.
In general I'm into het. I like plot, romance, and moderate angst with a happy ending. I'm not into slash, hard core BDSM, and partner betrayal (if they have a significant other on the show I like them with their partner and not cheating on that significant other). I also do not like character bashing. I am ok with crossovers between these four fandoms as well if that floats your boat.
This is my only journal. My fic can be found Now for the specific fandoms
Agents of SHIELD, my watching has been spotty, I've seen the first three episodes, the episode with Sif and the two after that and the ones that have aired so far in April and will be watching through the end of the season. That said- I love Phil Coulson. Melinda May is growing on me and Sif is just too darn cool to leave out. I can ship Phil with either lady or not. I'd just want some fun adventures with them.
Captain America (Movies)- Steve Rogers is my one true character. (Seriously it is a sickness over here.) I ship him and Natasha like Fed Ex. But I also can ship him with any other woman (who isn't already in a relationship) in the MCU or no shipping works too. But after watching the Winter Soldier, I loved how he and Natasha were together on missions. I also loved the friendship of Steve and Sam. I'm a sucker for Steve/Peggy and what might have been. If you want to write fic of Steve, Sam, and occaisionally Natasha looking for Bucky that would be great. If you want to explore missing scenes from the movies or from the time between the Avengers and Winter Soldier that is spiffy. I am also a sucker for Steve vs 21st century and people helping with the list of stuff for him to catch up on. Adventures can be of the everyday kind. I am up on the Marvel Cinematic Universe ( I do love the interconnectedness) so references to other characters is great but Steve is my character of choice so as long as he's there I'm great.
Leverage- I love the team and the way they get along. Eliot is my favorite character but really any of the team is awesome. Oh and Sterling and Maggie. Really anything with the feel of the show, be it a caper or them just hanging out is fabulous. (Tara falls under the heading of team for me.)
Sleepy Hollow (TV)- This is the fandom that the Partner betrayal warning applies to the most. I can ship Ichabod/Abbie but only if Katrina is explicitly dealt with, be it by divorcing Ichabod if she stays in the here and now or by having her go onto Heaven and being declared finally dead. I am not a Katrina hater, I actually like her quite a lot. I enjoy fic about Ichabod adjusting to modern ways, Ichabod and Abbie on a case, or fic that speculates on how they get out of the predicament of the last episode. I love the secondary characters so if they want to wander by, I'm not opposed to that as well.
I think that covers it. I look forward to reading what you come up with.