Day 05- A Photo that makes you smile.
(It must be said that I had to be the one taking the photos so I can't be the one in the photo.)
jedibuttercup in front of the Buttercup Pantry in Placerville, CA September 2013.
I smile because of all the names of a restaurant for
jedibuttercup and I to find it had to be that one. (Plus we were there on the last day of September and they were closing for the season or changing their hours to reduced hours, I don't remember, October 1. We have excellent road trip- fu.)
The idea of flying Elvii makes me smile. Plus that the plural of Elvis is Elvii makes me laugh. October 2012
This is Nate and his BFF from High school goofing off on the train that is part of the railroad museum in Sacremento, CA. July 2013