30 Day Photo Meme - Day 19 - Things seen most days.
Note- If you say yesterday's entry, go back I just edited in a new sign and it is one of my favorites. I can't believe I forgot that sign.
My cat, Fiamain (the black with white markings) and Nate's cat, Darearcca (white with black markings), they are sisters. I don't remember when I took this but since it is on the external hard drive, I'd say sometime in 2009.
The quilt I made and had signed at Con-Con. It was great fun to see the expressions on the cast's face when I brought this through the autograph line. They were impressed. Timothy Hutton asked several times if I was sure I wanted him to sign it. He eventually did when I told him that was the very reason I made the quilt. It hangs in the stairwell to my sewing room now. March 2010
Phoebe, who looks like a grey scale Fiamain. Phoebe was named Fifi when we got her but that was what the vet calls my cat so we changed it to Phoebe. April 2013