30 Day Photo Meme - Day 27

Jun 24, 2014 22:56

30 Day Photo Meme - Day 27 A Photo that tells a story.

His and Hers Grant Level Arts and Sciences awards (Jambe de Lion - Hand of the Lion - Kingdom of An Tir - SCA). Their Magesties came to our little Shire to hold court. They had 9 pieces of business and said I could do 5 pieces and then earcmacfithil could do the other 4. In each half there was a piece labeled "see Queen when you get here". It turned out that the one in my half was earcmacfithil's award and the one in his half was my award. (We received these for our pottery.) Newberg, Oregon - April 2011

The Rose City Steampunks went riding on the Jantzen Beach Carousel the last weekend before it was taken down and put into storage. The Carousel was from 1920's and they weren't sure if they were going to get it out of storage once the mall remodel is done. Portland, Oregon - April 2012

earcmacfithil and I were in historic Sacremento and we ran into these ladies. Sacremento, California - July 2012

meme pics

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