We had a "little" storm this afternoon...
After almost four months of extremely dry weather, we learned this week that a thunderstorm had been forecast for today. The "Weather Tracker" on my computer had been sending out storm warnings throughout the day. At around 4.00 pm I heard thunder. Then "thunk, thunk, thunk". I looked out the window and
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Comments 19
Beautiful double rainbow shots!
Question: how did you get that video into your post? I take it it's from your own computer, downloaded from your camera, but is it hosted by some special site and linked, or Scrapbook, or what? Thanks, Maewyn.
We've reached the end (hopefully!) of a long, hot, dry summer. Believe me, you wouldn't like to go out there to do any gardening over that time of the year! It's getting to the stage where it's driving me mad. The grass is overgrown in the area where I don't want it to grow, and it's dead where it should be growing! Roll on the Easter break, so that we can get in there and clean it all up!
I uploaded the video to Photobucket from my computer. I had a bit of trouble embedding it into my post. I had to post it from Photobucket to LJ rather than bringing it in from Photobucket. I had another video I wanted to add, but it was getting too late on a work night to muck around with it!
I will have to look up "embedding" on the FAQ. I don't know a thing about it, although I have seen YouTube videos stuck into people's posts that way.
When you say you had to "post it from Photobucket to LJ", rather than "bringing it in from Photobucket", aren't those the same things? Doesnt' Photobucket host the images or video files and you "bring them in" or "post" them using a link? I don't understand.
Then I opened the video in Photobucket and clicked on "share". It shows options to post to Facebook, Twitter and Myspace. Across on the other side it says "share to other sites". There you can see the LJ pencil icon. Click on that, then on the Live Journal button. It then says "automatically post to Live Journal". Type in your user name, password and title, and enter.
Voila! Posted!
I actually did this while I was giving you the instructions! You should be able to see the second video that I didn't get a chance to post last night!
I hear there are more storms forecast for this morning so take care on your way to work!
Everything was quiet and normal this morning. There's lighting off in the distance tonight, but I can barely hear the thunder. It can stay that way, too! :)
Horizontal lighting would be an interesting sight!
We were very lucky we didn't get hail at our place. I've seen lots of videos of huge hail stones falling in people's yards. I'm glad I wasn't there! Lots of cars were badly damaged - covered in dents where they landed and with broken windows. It's been reported on the News that the storm has caused $200 million worth of damage in the city and surrounding area.
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