About fandom and mice

Nov 07, 2007 19:05

Dears ( Read more... )

robin, fandom

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maexle November 7 2007, 19:18:24 UTC
I gacked the icon from a lady on fandom_wank. Her name is arrogantsage and I think you must ask her where she got this icon. It's great, isn't it?


apisa_b November 7 2007, 20:13:13 UTC
Oh, I do understand Susi for being nervous about riding a horse for the first time.

I got to know the abadoned chestnut a little during the last week through grooming, cuddling and walking with him. He just can't stand still (and I'm already calling him "Hampelmann" because of it) and nearly explodes for energy - understandable, for I think he hasn't really come out of his box for weeks now. He *wants* to run.
So I shall have to let him work his steam off before I mount him for the first time on the upcoming weekend.
*bites nails*
What shall I say - I am actually nervous about it.

And that's the boy in question:

... )


maexle November 7 2007, 20:18:42 UTC
He, the chestnut looks very nice! You know I like chestnuts - and this one looks so sad and lonely! He needs a lot of cuddles, methinks.
And of course he needs to let steam off before you can mount him. But I wouldn't let him run of his own first. It's too dangerous - he could start bucking while his muscles are still cold. Therefore I'd take him on the lunge or perhaps even at the hand - 10 minutes of walk before he's allowed to run. And if you can, just spare yourself the trouble and put him in the Führmaschine!
And even then - you know he probably hasn't got any stamina left. You'll need to train him up again before you can properly work with him. But I'm sure you'll make it and if I can be of any help, let me know!


apisa_b November 7 2007, 20:28:46 UTC
On monday evening I just walked with him around on the outside riding arena. He walked very energetic and was apparently very pleased (he made very content little noises). But it was already getting dark and a dog was running around, so when he got tense and side-stepped a few times I thought it safer to put him back in, for he didn't have the time to gain trust in me yet (and vice versa - he for sure doesn't have Robin's nerves).

*Headdesk* I hadn't even thought about the Fuehrmaschine. I only thought about lunging him - and my only experience with that I had with Robin, so that is going to be fun :-)


maexle November 7 2007, 20:33:21 UTC
Darling, don't worry too much. Lunging is something you learn by doing - and rather quickly. I remember my first time: Hubby got me a lunge with a horse on it, put the whip in my hand and said: "Just do it!" It worked - not so well as it works today with Robin (who's a veteran at the lunge), but it worked.

But if you can, you should use the Führmaschine! It's perfect for horses to calm down because it's kind of "boring". And as hubby always says: "Schritt macht KOndition!"


delenn1960 November 7 2007, 20:54:48 UTC
Ahhh...diese tausend Journale, Fan-Gruppen *Haare rauf*. Ok, ich kenn mich da nicht aus. Ich kenne Livejournal und das ADMM-Board. Was ist Journalfen? Ist Fandon-wank eine Community, die über andere, abgedrehte HP-Fans lästert? Oder schreiben die selber den Blödsinn über Rowling und Dumbledore? Außerdem steht dort sehr viel verwirrende englische Insider-Sprache.
Bei den deutschen gibt's sowas ja nicht. Irgendwie scheinen wir verständiger zu sein.


lashmi November 8 2007, 13:18:12 UTC
Stimmt leider nicht. Ich arbeite beim Comic- und Kinderbuchverlag Carlsen in der Comicredaktion und betreue nebenher auch unser Comicforum. Die Meckereien/Gerüchte/etc. pp. sind so neben der Spur, dass man einfach nur noch mit dem Kopf auf den Tisch knallen möchte. Gut, manche mögen jetzt sagen, dass das bestimmt nur beim Comicbereich so ist.... aber so ist das nicht: Bettelbriefe/Verschwörungstheorien/Beleidigungen werden als Leserbriefe ins Jugendbuch geschickt. Teilweise von Kindern, aber auch von Erwachsenen, die "Frau Rowling" um ihre Fantastitlliarden anschnorren.

Ich will lieber gar nciht wissen, was für Briefe jetzt an das Haus gehen, wo es diese Diskussion um ein Lexikon geht.


delenn1960 November 8 2007, 14:08:04 UTC
Oh jeh...und ich dachte, hier läuft es gesitteter ab!! Zumindest isses in dem HP Forum so, wo ich mich immer herumtreibe (www.harrypotter-fans.de). Die Mods sind allerdings auch recht rührig...wenn's ausfallend wird, verwarnen die und löschen auch.

Manche Leute kann man einfach nicht verstehen!!!


lashmi November 8 2007, 13:33:58 UTC
Alles alles Liebe zum Gebutstag, liebe Max! Ich hoffe, du hast einen ganz wundervollen tag und wirst ordentliche mit Liebe überschüttet. :-)


maexle November 8 2007, 23:26:37 UTC
Danke Dir! Ich fühl' mich heute sehr geliebt. ;-)


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