Jan 23, 2005 17:47

Below are all the questions I'm asked in the making of icons. Please check here before you ask something, to avoid any annoyance on either of our parts.

1. What programs do you use?
Photoshop CS, Image Ready, Paintshop Pro 8, and Animation Shop.
2. Do you take requests?
Occasionally. When I am, I'll leave a post on the journal.
3. Two hundred Gippal icons? You're joking, right?
Er...Sadly, no. I roleplay in a lot of communities as Gippal, and some of my icons are game-specific (i.e. NoojxGippal pairing icons, Gippalai icons, GippalxRikku icons).
4. Any particular reason for the astronomical amount of the Crimson Squad icons?
I really like the Crimson Squad. They're my OT3. ^^ There's really no other reason than the fact that I love those guys.
5. What's up with not making icons of all OMG HAWT BISHIES!!!!!111one11eleven???
Because, unlike the average fangirl, my interests in a character are usually more than skin deep. I like the heart and soul of a character, so it matters little to me what they look like on the outside.
6. How did you do (insert effect here)?
I'll be adding tutorials later on, but for now, check icon_tutorial and browse their memories or ask your question.
7. Do you affiliate with other icon journals/communities?
Yes, I sure do. Just IM me or ask in a post or whatnot, and I'll get back to you.

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