very rough no editing.. So gimme a break. its just my fucken notes after all...

Mar 31, 2005 20:49

So.. ive been reading ALot lately. here is something that it took me 4 books to realize.
lemme know what anyone thinks.. please.
Here is a summery of something i wrote generalizing what i read.

Analyese of communication is not a topic people really do consider often, I attempt to over analyses any topic i am
devoting myself to.
With my whole 24 years of being alive speaking in 2 lanuages; I am oftening finding the similaritys in the speech patterns
of Spanish, English and Modern lexicon.

Life is filled with void Commuication; the ablity to recognize meaningful commuication is long overdo from a social view point.

Repetitious Verbigerations, direct and indirect suggestion and authoritarian commands, should not replace meaningful communication in a meaningful way.

Society is bombarding our conscience and unconscience constantly with its own agenda in mind.

First hand, the potentials of communication baffle the scientific mind.

Every behavior has a very systematic, distinctive pattern.

Noam Chomsky Professor of lingustics at M.I.T. has written many remarks on the foundations of communication and how it is used on and against us.

Medical, Dental and Psychotherapeutic purposes differ in types of structured communication.

we should allow ourselves to view langauge and communication as map or maps of reality, or models of reality.

Making sense so far? I am trying to show you the way the world works? secert stuff!

People create illusions. distorted views of how real life is and commonly believe there warped misconceptions.

we as a human species operate behaviorally directly upon our interactions with people in created "representation" of diffrent assumptions.

let me repeat

People Create illusions; distorted views of how real life is and commonly believe there warped misconceptions.

I can only provide my basic point of view on the reality I've manifested in this particular incarnation. while i am here i might as well enlighten, amuse, and inform the chaotic brainwashed masses.

Each individual inparticular has a diffrent set of representational cues they used to decide to create the world in which they live in.

Here is where the magic begins.

The most basic part of experience comes in the form of deletion. Where certian parts of a so called process of representation in necessary. if we represented all the sensory data we are bombarded with we easily would be overwhelmed. This is all apart of our unconscience awareness.

Another frequent illusion of represenation is Distortion. Distortions allow shifts in each sensory system. a perfect example Is imaginging an imaginary object. This process can be a liability or an asset depending pm where a persons head is at.

The 3rd process in a basic thinking is generalization. This is when one experience represents an element in a category where we may be aware or unaware of the many aspects of the category of the realitys.
Assumptions are generalizations, people like to assume the process may be the smae for each experience. When in actuality things vary in the context of experience to experience. Generalization does allow humans to make higher levels of patterns and recoding of experience. Generalizations make advances in technology and knowledge in all areas of human awareness and functioning.

language is a human representational system which transformational Grammer is the most complete, explicit and formal complete systems of communications which its representational system is common to all languages.

Every sentence has a natural two distinct way it is, The way it appears, Surface structure. The representation of the actual sounds made by person speaking or written. Deep structure are intuitions a person gathers from the sentence.

Lets Look at an example of (1)surface structure.

(1) The door was smashed.

Lets Look at an example of (1)Deep structure

(2) Past (Break { Someone, Door, with something } )

The deep structure is design to show and represent the intutitions we as native english speakers find meaning.
For example from that sentence we can also see the following
A) some event occured in the past
B)the event was complex
C) it consisted of the following parts-
1) an action, "break", which occurred between:

A)an agent - some person or thing doing the breaking represented by "someone"

B) the object - some person or thing being smashed represented by the "door"

C) the instrument- thing used to do breaking, represented by "something"

Transformational Linguists have series of operations to precisely specific the entrie process that link deep structure to its surface structure.

Notice that the sentence implies something

deep structure

Transformation 1 ~
2 ~ Derivation
3 ~
surface structure

Most people Really value there Unconscience represental systems of communication, most systems can be identified by simple becoming aware of the predicates in there speech (adjectives, adverbs, verbs)

A system which is visual with will speak in patterns of " I see what your saying. Clearly. Looking at this work will Show you how to improve your work. Imagine how this appears to be dull.

People or persons with a feeling or Kinethic representational system may be used the following representations when they speak. I want you to Firmly to grasp this concept. I feel you can over come some hard problems.
can you get in touch with and get a handle on what this means.

A person whos primary representational system is auditory for example sounds interesting to me, i will talk to you later i will be hearing from you soon in other words we will all get together and be a sounding board for these ideas.

People are unaware of these highly- valued learning and therapistic tenquines. Making distinctions in our formlizations of behavior patterns in speech shows diffrent representational systems.

if it isnt connecting every single one of us process input by listening , viewing or feeling.
each of us creates a diffrent reality for ourselves which is very different than the world.
formal pattern can be built to represent patterns of behavior between, (in put,( representational system,) Output channel)

All of the following is My generalization of Just the introduction into the mind of
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