Done for
anime_abc. Please let me know if there are any problems... I can't see some of the images, but I'm also on a painfully slow dial-up connection.
Also, I tend to favor Hakkai. A lot. You have been warned.
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Created with
Icon Table Generator @
Bauble A: Adventurers
B: Bunny
C: Crown
D: Dessert
E: Edge
F: Feathers
G: Glasses
H: Hakkai or Hakuryuu
I: Imminent
J: Joker
K: Kougaiji
L: Lick
M: Maten Sutra
N: Nataku
O: Orange
P: Passing
Q: Quest
R: Road
S: Safety
T: Tease
U: Unlimited
V: Virtuous
W: Water
Y: Yesterday
Z: Zero