Apr 07, 2006 23:04
The characters woke up and Tyrrhenus and Winter revealed that they'd had dreams and visions that seemed significant. Well, rather, Tyrrhenus talked about his, while Winter had just left a note with hers, saying that she had to get back into her life a bit, it being 3 days before Xmas and all (plus her player was evidentally having tooth-asplodey problems, so she wasn't present). The visions were as follows:
Winter's Dream:
You are back in the forest primieval of your Awakening, but this time the trees blur into the familiar buildings and streets of Boston. Ahead, you see a path - or possibly a doorway - leading to somewhere warm and safe. You see people dancing and smell good food and drink. As you approach, though, you see that the people inside are being picked off. Whenever one of them gets too close to the wall, something with distended, warty arms snatches him and pulls him into the shadows. The other dancers don't seem to notice.
Tyrrhenus' Dream:
You are walking across a narrow dirt path. On either side of you is a bog. Every now and then, you see huge tentacles emerge and blindly grope before submerging again. As you walk, you see a woman in a clearing up ahead. Her eyes have been cut or ripped from her skull and her veins hang limply from her arms as though forcibly removed. A hideous multi-limbed creature manipulates her motions by tugging the veins. Sure that she cannot see you, you walk on, not noticing the dry sticks in your path. One of them cracks, and although she does not respond, the creature next to her snaps to attention. You see the tentacles reaching for you from the bog as everything goes black.
The characters discussed these visions and decided that Mariah might be possessed, and that something might be keeping her "blind" in some way. Doing a little asking around through various contacts, they found that she would be at a pisser in a little pub in Southie that night. Meanwhile, Kali called Seraphim of the Gravediggers to ask him about what she'd seen and heard. He wasn't very interested until she mentioned a creature bursting from someone's head, at which point he said he'd look into it. All was well for most of the day, until Tyrrhenus and Ogma got home to a ringing phone. It was Reigna, another of the Gravediggers, saying that Kali and her cabal needed to get out to the Windham House right away.
The cabal headed out there, and found the Gravediggers using their collective might to keep a horde of zombies trapped in the family cemetary. All that the Gravediggers knew was that Seraphim had gone into the graveyard earlier that day, and then there was an explosion of power and the zombies started crawling out. Since he had been working on something for Kali, the Gravediggers felt she should be the one to go help him (plus they were focused on containment).
The cabal entered and fought off some zombies, but eventually found Seraph in the back of the graveyard with three apparently petrified skeletons holding him in place. Using his "fist of God" spell (which he's working on turning into a rote), Tyrrhenus freed him. At that point, the creature that Seraphim had been keeping contained burst forth from a maseoleum, but the mage's combined might defeated it (though not before it had plucked one of Ogma's throwing cards from its chest and nearly killed Tyrrhenus with it). Seraphim told them what he'd learned, which wasn't much - he suspected the creature he inadvertantly called up was Abyssal in nature and that such creatures could sometimes use Paradox to their advantage. The Gravediggers thanked the cabal for their help and gave them a box with some black salt (Tass) for their trouble, and the cabal went on its way.
Still have to go to that party, after all.