What is your dream car?
Porsche 911
What is your dream or childhood dream job?
Favorite president of the US?
Favorite foreign country?
Favorite branch of science?
Favorite off road, factory or construction vehicle?
Stupid Question.
Favorite hobby?
Favorite food?
Favorite board game?
Favorite drink?
Favorite mythical creature?
Favorite actor or actress of all time?
Daniel Day-Lewis
Natalie Portman
Favorite animal?
Favorite painter or painting?
Anything René Magritte.
Favorite architecture, style of architecture or any man made feat?
Favorite type of dog?
Siamese Cats > Dogs.
Two favorite video games childhood and now:
Sun or the moon?
Favorite season?
Your Zodiac sign?
Favorite cartoon character of all time?
Kite Eating Tree!
Favorite comedian alive or deceased?
Mitch Hedberg
Steven Wright
Favorite poet?
Favorite western movie?
Fistful of Dollars. Not Tombstone--Val Kilmer, ew.
Favorite comedy movie?
Favorite horror flick?
Favorite Disney movie?
Favorite war movie?
The Pianist.
Favorite cable channel?
Favorite “ism”? hint: communism, spiritualism, environmentalism, capitalism, etc
Mysticism--no good pictures.
Favorite type of cloud? Hint: nimbus, cirrus, stratus, etc