Note from Scion 7-12-09
We started by meeting a scion of Loki and leader of the SS
Heinrich Himmler. Yeah Ben went there. It is the middle of December 1938, and we are sent on mission of diplomacy to meet with a representative of the Greco/Roman gods. Along the way we are accompanied by a German communications officer and scion of Balder. We make it to the representative, who wishes us to arrange for us to deliver a message to Mussolini for a grave insult to the Greco/Roman gods. This message is to be the head of a medusa, a lesser creature of the fearsome Gorgons, to one of his mistresses. We are show the cave, and by night we attempt to infiltrate the cave. While Johanna and (John’s character) enter the cave, I stay out with our communications officer to set up an ambush. They find on the inside that there are traps and a more than one medusa in the cave, in a side room they also find several dead bodies covered in various relics and more mundane treasure. I noticed a rather large Cyclops resting outside the cave and after he seemed to want to become belligerent, I just showed him my game face and he ran away. At the same time the dynamic duo make a rather pointed effort and managed to have the medusa chase them out of the cave into our trap. As I ready myself for and attack they engage the two unsuspecting titan spawn. (John’s Character) is laid low fast by the medusa’s dreadful gaze and he is paralyzed with fear. Johanna manages to shake the horrid assault, but succumbs to the dreadful poisoned weapons of the medusa. I manage to lay both of the medusa low in two shot, after they had each taken a good bit of damage. Johnna and I sneak into the upper floors of Mussolini's mansion later that night. We wait until the next morning when Mussolini is out delivering a speak and then plant the head of the medusa into the mistress' bed. She is paralised and turned to stone.
Insight from the game:
1. On those who have not much soak, my gun will take them out in one shot, if not cripple them. I seem to be able to hit them, granted they had a very low Dodge Value (6), and I have an Auto-success of 4 and a dice pool base of 15. I was going to hit. The real test will be with threats that have a higher soak. The down side is that my gun does have a speed of 6 (8 tics in a round, every action has a speed). This does slow me very far down. Both of the others have speed 4 weapons which means they will hit 3 times to my two. Along with that I do not have a very high entry ability so they very well will go before me. So I am not going to say I’m over powered, until John is able to attack, he was not able to land a blow due to a bad roll. If he is able to pull off the same amount of damage as I do on a 2 tic faster speed then I’m fine with my gun.
2. There is a lot of potential for us to learn some things to set us against our current allies. My character is a firm believer in his leadership, but it only will go so far.
3. We have an interestingly balanced group right now. I can’t wait to see how it is going to go. We are missing several of the Purviews that we had in other games but that means we are a very different group and will go at things differently.