live n learn

Oct 12, 2005 14:45

so just an update on how im doing, since the last two were slightly depressing. i am doing fine, for everyones info. i was hurt, still am a lil, but no amount of sadness is gunna do anything to why not be possitive, ive been keepin busy, with work, school, and homecoming, and im all happy n stuff. been doing great at the service desk, ( Read more... )

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Comments 3

intoxikatedkiss October 15 2005, 13:40:08 UTC
hey sweetheart. i'm glad your doing okay but i'm a little lost on everything going on with you (its hard to keep up with everyone on here since i have to come to my moms to get on this thing - but that changes the 28th!!!! YAY). I've been meaning to call you and such but i've been sooo overloaded with preparing for the little one and what not. sorry to neglet you!!! *hugs* amyways - give me a call sometime. i miss you and i need to know if that boy's breaking ur heart so i can kill em. hehe. anyways - if i don't hear from you before tues call me at the hospital or just come give me hugs or just do that anyways. lol
love ya


squeakyjr October 17 2005, 01:54:04 UTC
Are you comming up to DC or no?


magesticmind October 17 2005, 02:56:29 UTC
nope, hes just gunna give me the money...but i do wanna come up there to see you in your new element sometime, mayb next semester...he,y hot college guys...wahoooo! lol.



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