Oh man, I've really been spoiling you guys lately. :P Don't expect these every day or anything, I've just had a shitload of stuff lying around and nothing to do with it. I have another retexture for you to nab if you so choose, this time of an XM Sims hair. I originally grabbed it to stick on my self sim, because I'm in dire need of a trim and so she must feel my anguish, and decided to fix it up with a little visit from Dr. Nouk. All horribly un-clever phrases aside, I liked it well enough to upload it here for you. And you should be glad I'm doing this, too, because this thing has been a major pain in my rear.
So I'm actually going to be sensible for once and put the cover picture outside of the cut. Eh heh. I was just showing off how cool I was. Yeah, we'll call it that.
Strange model? Well that's because it's a replica of Midna, from The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess. I just made her and most of her content today, because I'm a dork. :D
Oh, and if you're in the middle of the game and haven't gotten to the end yet and therefore didn't realize this is what Midna really looks like... surprise! :D ... *cough*
Same shit as usual!
- Binned
- Familied
- Compressorized
- Mesh Included
- Only for Teen and Adult Ages
- Elder Grey Linked to Black
- Custom White
- 9 Different Colours Including White:
Yes, in case you hadn't noticed, I always use the same grid for the colours every time. I've basically just saved the grid as its own seperate image file for future use. Ahh, never gets old. :3
Absolutely shitty side shot, because I realized after I'd already exited the game that I forgot to take side pictures. And I was too lazy to load it up again.
Emily also forgot to edit the above picture at first and had to go back into Paint Shop Pro and fix it. She is overtired, so shaddup.
POLICY! God, you should know this by now. No uploading as your own, no uploading to paysites or DL Mulsow's. If you upload it with a sim, credit would be nice. Hack away at these to your heart's content.
Download Lighter Recolours [Alternate Link] Download Darker Recolours [Alternate Link] It's probable that I'll be uploading Midna here eventually, because my friend Lycie is basically in dire need of her. :P If anyone else is interested, just say the word. :) I still can't find a good hair mesh for her though...