The Good Sort of Crazy - 16 Geeky Adult Male Tees

Jun 04, 2009 16:12

Even with my temporary fiasco, it doesn't mean I can't pump out stuff! I realized the other day that I was at a complete lack of super geeky things for my sims, which is just a tradegy in itself (seeing as I am an uber-geek). One of my friends directed me to a site, Split, which has a bunch of adorably nerdy T-shirts. I would attempt to make these for females as well, but I'm fairly certain the boobs would cause stretching. Though maybe I'm just jumping to conclusions.

ANYWAYS. Kieran, my resident anti-socialite and computer freak, approves of this latest venture, and thus agreed to model.

Sorry for the fact that you CAN'T ACTUALLY SEE THE DAMN SHIRT. But I thought he looked cute. Also, I thought the picture needed moar neon. Also also, I attempted to use every geeky font I could think of: Shaun of the Dead (causing me to bust out my Simon Pegg icon again), Lord of the Rings, Harry Potter, and of course Sims. :D All so nerdy in one giant combination, and yet so very epic. Also, dark picture is dark. But purposeful. Because all of the lights off except for one (and the computer) is how I like to spend my late nights.

As already stated, what, three times before?, there are 16 different shirts. Well actually, that's a lie. There are 15 different shirts and two different versions of one of them. The Zero Punctuation shirt (those who do not know of Zero Punctuation... have you no minds?!) has one version with a logo on the right sleeve, and another without it. You can choose, because unfortunately the logo looks kinda pixelated. :\ Not my fault. The maroon-ish shirt that says Zombie Day at the Mall at the bottom (kinda squished in that picture due to poor animation choice) had such a large design that you can't see in the middle where it's pointing to a dot and says "You Are Screwed". But now that I've told you what it says, you can just pretend that you can read it, right? >.>


I also noticed while editing the pictures that the red looks slightly pixelated, which is odd because the shirts didn't originally look that bad. GAWD I AM FULL OF SO MUCH FAIL. .__.

The shirt textures/colours are by fanseelamb at MTS2. All I did was copy and paste stuff. There is no mesh needed, but you can get the originals here if you so desire.

Right, on to the link!


And here is a mandatory shot of the desk behind him in the first shot, because it resembles mine currently to a T. Even the albino hand! *looks down at pale hands sadly*

Actually, scratch that. I don't have a cellphone, booze, or cigarettes on my desk. I'm not THAT corrupt. *rolls eyes*

In other news, please, someone answer this question: Why the hell are my contacts blurring up like mad?! I thought my vision was just being wonky from the migraine I'm currently housing, but nope, it's those damned things in my eyes. I feel like I'm constantly peering through the bottom of a dirty glass. Shitty-old-glasses-with-a-shitty-old-prescription, you are my saviour.

!downloads, dl; clothing - male, !sims 2

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