barely anything nu going to ny to shop this weekend not sure what im doing for sunday got new schedules mine suckss ssooooooo bad stockmarket ceramics architectural design wtf these classes r so much worse than last semester and i cant like switch porque webber hates me i got nu hair mousse tho its so increadibly amazing
man no more ceramics kelsey wasn't there either i think mr lawrence ate her as well as the other 5387648 babies that have gone missing for the past 10 years thats fact im a beast at making roasted peppers im gonna go jam to sum music now and maybe do sum hw i lost my fav earrings thats all 4 now maybe post more later
im in such a good mood im not even sure y it must be the 2 cups of coffe and mad amounts of sugar/chocolate i had in shool 2day i love everyone yay oh yeah i also just found these awesome pics from 6th and 7th grade an to add on to my good mood i found my ochoa article YAY!