i dunno yer em-mail anymore, and i was thinking about you. i really miss you. i never talk to you anymore. i lost yer number, otherwise i'd call you. i dunno what really happened between us, all i know is that andy and lisa pissed off mike and then sommehow we disappeared. get ahold of me sumtime kevin. i wanna talk to you again. *ashley* (586)7737568 23126 doremus, scs, 48080 anyone_but_you0@yahoo.com
hey. my email is smalltown_punk@hotmail.com. how have you been? i hope you've been doing fine. yeah i don't really know what happened wither, mike just used to piss me off and then he was my only ride and stuff and i lost your number. but i got my liscense now so maybe we can go do soemthing if you are ever up here again. talk to you later +Kevin+
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23126 doremus, scs, 48080
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