Name: Nic
Age: 22
Location: Snowy UK
Do you prefer a []male or [] female stamp or [X] don't care?
Do you prefer a [] fantasy or [] sci-fi stamp or [] don't care or [X] both?
getting to know you
Positive characteristics:loyal, kind, caring, understanding, thoughtful, senstive
Negative characteristics:angry, materalistic, lazy,
Neutral characteristics:hardworkying, motherly
Quote that describes you:
All life is an experiment. The more experiments you make the better.
Ralph Waldo Emerson
Motto that you live by (if different from above):Be prepared for what live throws at you
these are a few of my favorite things
Give an explanation if needed.
Color: Purple
Animal: horses
Mythical creature: Centaur
Extinct animal: Wooly Mammouths
Fantasy novel: Harry Potter followed closly by The Chroniles of narina
Sci-fi novel: The Hitchhickers Guide To The Glaxay - Just love the comedy of this I first heard it on the radio, then read the book
Other novel: Black Beauty
Fantasy movie:Pirates of the Carribean
Sci-fi movie:Back to the Furture
Other movie:Just My Luck
Fantasy/Sci-fi tv show: Doctor Who :)
Other tv show: The OC
Time period: After WW2 into the 1950's
Non-fantasy/sci-fi hero and heroine:Cinderlla & Ryan Atwood from The OC
Song with a sample of lyrics:Snow Patrol - Chasing Cars
We'll do it all
On our own
We don't need
Or anyone
If I lay here
If I just lay here
Would you lie with me
And just forget the world?
this or that
Are you more -there is room for both; please explain.
Abstract or Concrete:Concrete
Adventurous or Homey:Homey
Agreeable or Distant:Agreeable
Cheerful or Melancholy:Cheerful
Clever or Pretty:Clever
Concise or Wordy:Wordy
Creative or Traditional:Creative
Emotional or Logical:Emotional
Extroverted or Introverted:Extroverted
Fighter or Lover:Lover
Flexible or Stubborn:Stubborn
Free-spirited or Practical:Practial
Goody-two-shoes or Naughty:Good-two-shoes
Helpless or Independent:Independent
Impulsive or Planner:planner
Mental or Physical:Mental
Modest or Vain:Modest
Subdued or Vivacious:Subdued
test me; know me
The follow questions are optional - if you know the answer, please respond. If you are unsure, feel free to leave blank.
What is your zodiac symbol? Does it fit you? (
Western /
Celtic )
Western: Cancer - It's right on some of my charactetistic like being compassionate and caring with friends, family and lovers, but sometimes I always think sometimes it does give the fuller picture of ones personality
Chinese: Rabbit - Fire Rabbits Fire adds spark to the Rabbit’s personality and all that Fire Rabbits do. Fire compels Rabbits to seek new adventures. Prone to tantrums, Fire Rabbits prefer to avoid conflict. I have always agreed on this as I'm so like the traits of rabbits
Celtic: Oak - I agree with it some of the oak quauatlies
What is your
Myers-Briggs personality type? Would you agree? (
Test ) I have tried this before with many different results Harmony seeking Idealist , Sensetive Doer and Reiable Idealsit, which is all bits of me
What is your
blood type? Do you agree with this? I don't know what blood group :(
What are your highest intelligences according to
Gardner? visual/spatial , Intrapersonal and musical
What is your
alignment?Lawful Neutral -it does say something of me
Do you have any siblings? What order are you? Yes I have an older brother so I’m the youngest of the family
Would you consider yourself religious or spiritual?I'm very religious I have been a christain since 2001
would you rather
Sacrifice yourself to save your friends or save them by marrying the villain?save them
Fight to the death or have someone else rescue you?someone else rescue me
Live in a land of deadly dinosaurs, atrocious aliens, or mythical monsters?in someways yes and no i'm not a big fan of aliens
Wear a crown or corset or combat boots? Or all three? all three
Sneak into the enemy’s lair or break down the front door guns a-blazing? sneek in to the enemy lair and disuse myself and work to seek the ememy
Have superpowers and have thousands of enemies or be ordinary and forgettable, but safe?superpowers and enemies
Live with your loving family, but never leave home or not have anyone close to you, but go on adventures? have adventures :)
the hero in all of us
Would you travel in a group or be a loner? What role in the group would you fill? I would be a loner that travels be themseleves, but sometimes needs a little help along the way
What would be your costume?some sort of medival dress
What would be your weapon of choice?something old school sword or bow and arrow
Would you have a sidekick or pet?my talking horse that I would use to travel on
Any special powers?minding reading and deciving people
If you could invent any device, what would it be and what would it do?something to make men fall for my charm
What sub-genre would you be a part of? (romance/comedy/action…)a mixture of action and comedy
What conflict would you prefer? (man v. man, man v. wild…)Man v. Wild
look at me
Completely optional; post 1-3 pictures of yourself. Feel free to add pictures to the above sections to help voters know more about you. Please keep pictures decent and small; smaller than 500x500.
Please link to ALL unstamped applications that you have voted on.
I only posted three as there were quite a few
1 | 2 |
3 anything else? this is the longest app I have done in a while and thanks for any votes in advance :)
[voters, the list of available stamps is