Title: Secrets
Author: Magical Milkcan
Set + Theme: Set 2 - 3. lust
Fandom: Black Cat
Character: Eve
Rating: PG
Genre(s): Angst
Warning(s): Angst
Word Count: 236
Disclaimer: Black Cat does not belong to me.
Summary: Eve wishes to be normal like everyone else…
It hurt. No matter what, it always hurt. Maybe being able to change her body composition was a gift, but somehow, it always felt more like a curse. In her heart, Eve knew there was something wrong with her. She wasn’t like ordinary people, and being different was terrible.
Everyone wants to be an individual. Not so. Everyone wants to be the same in some way. Everyone wants to be wanted, to be needed, to conform and be a part of something. No one really wants to be alone in a world of deceit and “individuality”. Those who said they did were just deluding themselves. Eve couldn’t understand who would want to be on the outside when they could be on the inside.
She wanted to be like everyone else. She craved normality. She ate, drank, slept, and breathed in that desire, that lust to be like ordinary people. Her abilities and skills were great to have to help her friends, but why her? Why wasn’t she like other people? Why was she the one who was different?
She had friends and was leading her own free life, but it still felt like she was outside looking in, like she always had been. She wanted so badly for someone to open the door and let her in. Even if she gave up her abilities, she would be with other people just like her. Where she belonged.
12-fics challenge for Eve COMPLETED~!