End of the year question thing

Dec 31, 2008 21:08

Where did you begin 2008?
I was home

What was your status by Valentine's Day?
I was single

Did you have to go to the hospital?
physical for a job

Did you have any encounters with the police?

Did you know anybody who got married?
two friends come to mind right away

Did you know anybody who passed away?
yesterday I saw some guy that reminded me of a guy I went to high school with, and I brought him up, asked my boss who was standing in front of me, she rolled her eyes (he wasn't popular and didn't last long) then all of a sudden she blurted out without thinking, [names]'s dead! My jaw dropped. He was a year younger than me. They said it was like a four wheeling accident or something.

What sporting events did you attend?

What concerts/shows did you go to?
sanctus real, apologetix

Where do you live now?
they say home is where the heart is- sometimes that makes it hard to decide

Describe your birthday?
I recieved packages and cards from differnet people. Fathers day is right next to my birthday on the calendar, so I photographed my dad opening his stuff. I have a neat shot of us with packages of that really hard plastic that you can't open- his has a utility knife in it, mine has my gerber titanium coated pliers with tools in the handle thing- and I told my dad to hold up his hands with me because we couldn't open the packages to get at the sharp things that could open the package

What's the one thing you thought you would never do but did in 2008?
this is a tough one- I'd have to say- a lot of questioning.

What has/have been your favorite moment(s)?
picture taking with my dad- and the day that we split a can of coke and a bag of chips and watched planet earth on the big hi def screen was pretty neat and memorable to me too

Any new additions to your family?
My uncle got married

What was your best month?
june-august- when I was home, working, and taking pictures

Who has been your best drinking buddy?
my botellon buddies

Made new friends?

Favorite nights out?
nonnas was fun for a bit, not really a night out kind of guy- need to find the right people and the time

Any regrets?
a few

What do you want to change in 2009?
do things better

Overall, how would you rate this year?
as a whole- 7-8

Have any life changes in 2008?
not major ones

Change your hairstyle?

Get a new job?
two- del monte, a factory job and my favorite job of all, and stonecroft

Do you have a New Year's resolution?
no I don't bother with those- if you can start it at the beginning of the year, why not start it now? If I can do it then, I can do it now- if I don't do it now, I probably won't then.

Be honest did you watch American Idol?
no- why is this such a big deal?

Start a new hobby?
not start but got much more invovled with one

Been snowboarding?
my knee would probably prevent me- I can't bend it and hold it for a long period of time

Are you happy to see 2008 go?
meh- everyone talks about a new start- all it is is us hyping something up and getting enthusiastic- resolutions will be broken, promises not completed- the only new start comes from God- and we don't have to wait for the end of the year for that one

Been naughty or nice?
depends on whose asking the question

What are you wishing for in 2009?
figure out what I'm going to do with my life- feel more confident about my faith, not blurting things out (bad out of character joke came out my mouth tonight). But, why wait for 2009?
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