Well, the intro to the PHB2 changed some of my mythology and I've been toying with the regional descriptions of my D&D world, so if you're interested, check out my revised versions of both the
mythology and
regional decriptions.
Also, here are more
regional descriptions.
The Southern Principalities
The scattered cities of the Southern Principalities give themselves no such broad name. They are the remnants of both Arkhosia and the Empire of Maru-Qet, though most of the dragons that acted as both front-line warriors and emperor kings have long since left these cities alone. The architecture of the cities is still on a grand scale, with large palaces that could hold a draconic court with plazas that have large cracks across them due to the sheer weight of the dragons that used to land there. There is some traditional farming (mainly rice and wheat) with olive and date trees supplementing traditional staples of lamb or fish. The various city-states have some trade with each other, but their leaders are too proud to discuss an alliance and are separated by the Desert of Storms and there are dangers enough to deter armed conquest. There are a few scattered tribes of desert elves who roam the wastes, attacking caravans and travellers.
The western areas are the major cities of the Arkhosian empire (Kethendiejir, Hurthihesjing, Io’vanthor, Edar’rhyvosthyr, Ghaelestra), while the east is the area that used to be Maru-Qet (Nefer-Qet, Tian-Qet).
The dwarves, humans, halflings, and tieflings of the Southern Principalities have skin colours that range from dark olive to deep brown. The dragonborn here have all the colours of their kind and the rare elves of the desert wastes are deeply tanned with deep gold hair bound by their keffiyeh (for males) or burqa (for females). Many of the genasi of the Southern Principalities are firesoul or windsoul in nature.
The Empire of Hantumah
The Empire of Hantumah is built upon the ashes of the nation-state of Khatiroon, far to the east of the Northern Principalities, nestled in a broad valley that is surrounded on three sides by mountains that separate it from the Cold Expanse and the Bay of Wyrms. The western side of the empire is open to the Northern Plains, but the wide Plaguefish River bounds most of the western side and farther beyond is the looming Grey Forest. Khatiroon was invaded by the lich Raja Thirayam of Dukkharan, who had travelled with his undead army from the lands east of the Baghestran Tribes north to take this idyllic nation-state. His reasons for this invasion are still unknown.
The humans and tieflings of Khatiroon generally had epicanthal folds and light olive coloured skin with dark hair, owed to their ancestors from Zelakhat. The dragonborn of Khatiroon mostly had gold scales and reddish eyes. Dwarves had sandstone-red as their skin colour and their few tieflings had dark red skin tones. Unfortunately, many of these people are now gone forever, save for their animated remains, and their distinctive appearances are much more rare than they were.