Fandom Challenge Day 4 - A newsletter that's awesome sauce

Mar 25, 2011 19:38

Today's assignment is to leave feedback and rec a fannish community mod, challenge organizers or newletter compilers.  You know, those fabulous people who infuse the fandon with energy through their behind-the-scenes work.

Well, this is timely because I also belong to several Yahoo groups, one of which is Zinelist.  It's been quiet of late but exploded in the last couple of days with someone asking why the groups are so quiet and where have all the old fandoms' fen gone to.  Well, we're up to about 70 comments.  But someone else asked whether fandoms have newsletters that keep the fans aware of the happenings.  Well, damn!  I can raise my hand in pride because hermitsoul  does an outstanding job putting together the ts_newsletter every week.

I don't know how she does it, because she doesn't just keep track of who posts fic to the major archives.  That would be great all by itself.  But she also posts challenge sites, metas, fanworks that only show up on individual LJs and more. There's also wonderfully handy links to the archives and other fannish places.  She's always willing to add more if someone tells her about it and it's set up in a very easy to access way.  I've told her before, but it never hurts to share appreciation.

If you haven't seen it yet, sign up to get it delivered every week directly to your email.  You'll be able to see what's hot off the press on the best (IMHO) fandom around.  Thank you and Bravahermitsoul !

recommendations, fandom appreciation

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