For years I've been organizing TS stories by category. It seems to be the way people like to read. "I've just read a great story where Jim stays in the Army and meets Blair in Peru -- are there anymore out there?" You get the picture. So,
ckua_pepper pointed me to her site where she captured stories for Starsky and Hutch by category and I was amazed.
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Comments 11
I never was able to get the hang of delicious, but I know a lot of people use it for doing exactly what you're talking about -- putting a link, tags and summary. So that might work better for you. I went this route because delicious seemed so busy when I've gone to other people's lists. However, I might not have given it a fair chance.
Anyway, when I saw Pepper's lovely Starsky and Hutch site, it really resonated, so I went this route.
Thanks so much for your comments. I look forward to seeing what you are doing. And I do love when someone puts a summary, so that will be nice. I expect Stargate will be as daunting a task as TS, even if you are just going for your favorites. There are a lot of good writers in the fandoms.
Thanks so much for your kind words. I'll be working more diligently this year to populate this site. Expect many more categories and so more reasons for keeping you awake.
I think I'd separate these into two categories: one where they are chronologically kids, as in One Bright Summer, and then one where they are regressed for whatever reason. And in the case of Puffer Bellies (which is Maaaa's), I'd probably also include it on a disabilities list, since I think it's a traumatic brain injury. You are right in that there are so many, but it's fun to travel along the path, even though it might never get finished.
And I've spent many a midnight wondering where the time went too! Thanks for the comments and suggestions. Send more anytime you feel like it.
Anyway I hope you are still adding categories, this is such a fun page.
Thanks so much, my dear. It is a lot of fun putting them together. I actually had to step back and do some major updating because we had so many URL changes this year. So now most of the links are back to being current again.
Yes, I'm definitely adding more posts. Right now I'm working on the dreaded Christmas story list. It seems as if every author has not one but at least 3 Christmas stories. Sheesh, it will be long. But I said in my holidays post that it would be out by Dec 25, so that's a priority.
I'm also putting the finishing touches on a project I call "Looking for one good story". It's something I asked for over a year ago at TS Talk -- asking people to name perhaps not their favorite, but one good solid story they could recommend. Most came up with titles and authors but not the links, so I'm looking them up and I hope to have it done soon.
This fandom is so much fun!
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