Where and when did you start rping?
Online, I started at age 13, TLKMUCK.
Tabletop, I started at age 15, Vampire: The Masquerade
LJ, I started Sophomore year of college, on a small fandomRP run by mah roommate!
Do you prefer first-person comment spam or prose logging?
I like the casual brevity of comment spam for building CR and quick tagging and big games, but I also have prose logs that are deep and interesting that I'm dearly attached too. it's had to get me committed into one, though, because they do take time and juggling so many characters, I wind up a little scattered and the quicktags are easier.
What was the first character you ever played?
Malaca, a baboon. No seriously, I told you I started out in a Lion King game.
My first tabletop character was a crazy vampire by the name of Estella.
Who's your favorite character to play now and why?
Replica Riku. He's easiest to write for because he tends to say a lot without thinking, has a strong natural tendancy for development and staying active. He takes well to new settings.
What's the longest you've ever consistently played one character?
I've had my OC in Exalted, Zhu Ting, for about 3 years now
Prydain's currently my oldest LJ RO character, just clocked in hiss 2nd year this past week.
What's your biggest rp pet peeve?
Getting your characters into important, decision making places and roles, then promptly...dropping off the face off the earth with activity. Also, I'm irked when people complain that there's nothing to do in their games and then sit around without taking initiative when they're given stuff to respond to.
Do you read rp secrets and the rp anon meme?
Yeah. I skim them more than I participate, but knowing what has people's pants in a twist is wise to keep on the radar, I guess. The careful ten ft pole radar.
If you've played in public before, do you prefer community based or journal based games?
I like journal based because I like my dorky personal tags. It's a dumb reason for the preference, but I do. I also like being able to run my journal flists through filters so that in busy games I can categorize players that I have active CR with and NEED to not miss when they post.
Would you rather play with someone who's very very ic but a mediocre writer or someone who isn't always ic (but not terrible) and a great writer?
I'd rather play with someone who is a mediocre writer and not necessarily the best at their voicing, but knows how to stage an engaging and interesting interactions.
Do you have a "rp partner"?
I have a partner with whom I also do a lot of RPing with? But out among the RP-communities, we're not attached at the hip. A few of our characters are, but not the majority of them.
Do you ever stalk any casts, games, or players? who?
Not really. I'm usually too busy keeping track of my own to go peeking elsewhere.
In your opinion, which part of an app is the most difficult/annoying?
Personality, because history can be loosely paraphrased or linked to another source, but personality is where the pressure's on to put your characterization out on the table in condensed form.
Are you one of those people who has to customize their character's journal layout and userinfo?
fft no. I also don't update stuff like relationships lists or game history too often. I just like my layout legible, and no big banners, no matter how pretty they are.
Are there any canons you avoid tagging characters from?
Yeah. But it varies game to game. Usually big, insular casts that have their own insular plots going on, that are really hard .
Most memorable scene in any thread?
Idk. In Discedo, Linda and Demyx's Auditorium takeover.
In Eway, Arland gagged and duct taped at Vexen's door.
In TBF, Riqis & Terra's fight.
Do you rp sex?
Yep, but these days, privately in IM. I haven't braved Lovehotel or Erato or anything.
Do you play more males or females?
On the whole, taking my entire RP history into account, It's probably an even split.
What won't you rp?
... I'm nervous about writing believeable death scenes, though I've done it. Um..I don't RP really physically, viscerally sadistic characters. (Oh wait. Zhu Ting. Scratch that.)
What WON'T I RP? High School AU's are not my thing. Beastiality is not either, Pregnancy plots are 99% fail, sry.
Dressing rooms: yes or no?
Neeehhhh. I like setting and consistency too much. I also think people tend to play AU's that are way too skewed to recognize in dressing rooms.
Ever rped a pairing?
Favorite place to play: musebox, open posts, public games, private games?
Public games. Again, I like setting and consistency and...building a character's in-game history among a community.
Talking rp with someone else who plays your character: fun or awkward?
Very fun. Very insightful.