My turn for a bit of a waffle!

Mar 16, 2009 22:30

My dearest magicofisis,

I can't believe it's been over 5 years since I pestered you to read my first HP fic. Despite having epic plans, I had only written a batch of colourless waffle that managed to grind to a frustrating halt. Then you gave me your time and expertise and tore it to pieces…

Since then, my writing has come on in leaps and bounds (although, now it seems my muse has gone on a long-term vacation :(
Thank you, thank you, thank you - I couldn't have asked for a more patient and wonderful beta!

And thank you, too, for letting me beta your prolific outpourings (even if it did result in me being lured to the Harry/Ron side of the fence! ;-) It's been a privilege to help a writer as entertaining as you are.

Along the way, you're lured me into LJ, shared pieces of your life, sent me recs and other amusing links. We've written together (yes, I know the 'latest' piece is still on my hard drive waiting to be updated further…) and that was great fun to be a part of (and we rocked!)

For this post, I (again) had epic plans. (I was going to surprise you with an update on our RL/SB/HP fic) Only this time my epic plans have been bogged down by work and RL, so it's progressed by a miniscule amount. :(
I hope that I'll get it done before you move on from HP fandom completely…

Lots of love and sheepy hugs,
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