Dear Magic, I hope that the radiation treatment is not treating you badly. Just for you I have written my very first Harry/Ron drabble, it's super sugary sweet but I hope you enjoy it anyway.
Harry was attracted to the doorway by the sound of rasping coming from the garden. He halted, still in shadow to appreciate the sight before him.
Long, lean muscles rippling under smooth skin. The sheen of sweat giving the skin a glow that seemed to come from within rather than from the sunlight in the bright sky.
“I know you’re there,” Ron said as he continued to sand the length of wood in front of him.
Harry moved to stand closer admiring the way Ron’s hands seemed to caress the wood with each stroke. “You could do that with magic you know,” he said.
“Can’t,” Ron shrugged his shoulders and continued working.
“What does magic not work on wood?” Harry asked. “Then what holds up the Burrow?”
“Magic,” Ron answered. “But I can’t use magic on this.”
“Why not?” Harry asked his curiosity growing.
“Love.” Ron replied simply.
“Love,” Harry repeated, still not getting it.
“Love,” Ron repeated as he stood, turning to finally look Harry in the eye, “I made it for us, and for that magic to last it has to be made by hand. I ...”
Harry, eyes blazing, pulled Ron against him allowing their love to grow some more.