Title: Infiltrator - Part Five.
magicom Rating: Maybe PG at the worst.
Disclaimer: I don't own Torchwood or any of its characters. No money being made.
Paring/Characters: Jack, Ianto, (Jack/Ianto), Gwen, Doctor Rupesh Patanjali, Johnson (well, off-screen).
Spoilers: Takes into consideration all of S1, S2 and Day One of CoE.
Summary: As a whole: He's a
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Comments 2
Ahem. I mean. Happy to see more of it. Pretty interesting. I love seeing him getting, as you said, the foot-in-mouth disease...( which I, unfortunately, get often )
I try to tell poor Rupesh that it's not his fault - he didn't KNOW! - but he's still feeling pretty humiliated. I don't feel too badly for him, though. He's not that nice a guy :P
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