So now that the three oldest are big enough to cook, we take turns cooking dinner. The schedule looks like this:
Monday: Me
Tuesday: the 14
Wednesday: the 12
Thursday: the 10
Friday: make your own dinner while Dad takes Mom out
Saturday: Dad cooks (AKA takeout night)
Sunday: Grandma's house
That's right, I only cook dinner one night a week! Of course, I have to do supervising on the nights when the children cook, and sometimes it's pretty hands-on, and if I want vegetables I have to prep them myself. But I don't have to come up with ideas myself, which everyone knows is the hardest part! Can I get a hallelujah, people?
What's awesome for the children is that they get to pick whatever they want to make; they find a recipe, write an ingredient list which I fill during the weekly grocery shop, and make the dinner on their assigned night. Luxury. They are SO SPOILED.
What isn't awesome is that while sometimes we have yummy food, like the 14's homemade pizza, which is made to order:
We also occasionally have the lame dinner from the child who didn't plan ahead. One night we had fried eggs. Just fried eggs. Not everyone likes fried eggs and fried eggs aren't enough to feed a teenage boy or a dad. So that was a lesson learned.
What I find most gratifying are the indignant remarks when someone doesn't like what they've cooked. JOIN THE CLUB, kiddos! Now you know how it feels! Bwuahahahaha.