I'd love to make you insecure

Mar 31, 2005 23:54

This will be my last weekend before school panic mode kicks in. Homework.. bleh..
So this weekend should be full of
happy hour bar time
sitting in the park time
long dog walking time
halfway constructed backporch time
loud music time
and monsters time

I miss hanging out with little kids and their caterpillars

I miss monsters

I miss Space!

Tell me at least six things you may or may not consider personal,
I'm not talkin jet ski accidents, rather truly words you thought you'd never say

I can't help but wonder how different things would be if I was still in Virginia, I'd be more focused on school, I wouldn't drink so much, I'd probably dislike my parents more. Who knows? I like this here.

April's going to be definitely crazy with all the papers. And my dad's wedding? What do I get for my Dad and Nancy as a wedding present? I'm lost on that one. But the following weekend is the shins and that is something worth looking forward to.

Ryan might be my roommate over the summer, which would mean a summer full of listening to lots of K recs stuff, and that would be OK with me.

it's wrong it's wrong it's wrong it's wrong
but so is speeding and I watch you speed everyday in that truck
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