[private/easily hackable to Riku]
Hey, so I was just, yanno, talking to someone about Axel and Demyx and the rest of the organization. And they said they were all like, gay. Is that true? Because I don't want to be like, insensitive or anything and just in case they lie and say they aren't. Or something. I dunno.
I just thought you'd know because they're from your world...
[Private/easily hackable to Demyx]
Hey um....are you gay? I mean, its not a problem or anything, free love and all that, but someone said that to me and I was just...curious to know if you were or not. And seriously, if you are that's cool. I don't judge, so. You don't have to hide it from me or anything.
[Private/easily hackable to Axel]
Sup dude! I was just um...talking to this one person. And they mentioned that the organization members were all, um. Gay. Just, wanted to say that your secret is safe with me, even though, um, its totally okay if you are and you should be out and open with it. I wouldn't let anyone judge you for that kind of thing. If they have a problem with you, they have a problem with me. Alright?