And don't I know it. I'm starting to get back on the ball concerning school which I have blown off for much too long. *yawns* I like sleeping. I made cupcakes and tuna noodle casarole for lunch today, but I made it last night. Everyone seemed to like it:)I'm full anyway. Andrew's going ot help me after open fifth with math. I HATE GRAPHING! Next Friday E'raina and I are going to this "thrills and skills" thing for year book editing lay out and stuff. Anyway we get out of school and I'll be back by 3:00 so I won't be late for work. Oh and hockey is starting which really means I have to pay attention to my grades. Which reminds me I now need to put in to get like eight days off between hockey and explore NNU which mind you is in 20 beautiful days. I cannot wait! *he he he he* I'm starting ot be the resposible tech LeBlonc put in charge and excpects me to be. Crap so many people have gone over the intercome in the last five minutes. Weird. Hey Raleigh ar eyou still gona make me those cds or have you already and I've just not asked? Oh and looks like I'll be able to attend the scary movie night tonight after all with Aaron Ryan Des and Chels and Gannon, Horray! for me!!! Can't wait for that either. Shalom