Dry, Fruity Flavor 2

Nov 08, 2006 18:58

Title: Dry, Fruity Flavor 2
Author: magik-muggle
Challange: minorhp100
Prompt: Double Drabble 7
Character: unknown wizards; STV Head Office
Word count: 200
Rating: G
Team: Ravenclaw-Eagles

Silence hung in the air as the room full of witches, wizards and vampires awaited the reading of the remaining entries. One of the seven vampires from the STV Head Office seated behind the table scowled and snorted. He passed the signed note down so each of the head vampires could read it. His beady eyes glared at the group of witches and wizards.

“Which one of you is Hubba Smith?”

The young wizard near the end of the line nervously looked about then slowly raised his hand.

“Tell me, do you feel okay?”

“Uhm, err… yes.”

“When was the last time you were examined by a healer?”

“Uhm, errr… never, that I remember anyway.”

“You might want to see one soon. I believe there may be something wrong with your taste buds.
The first goblet does not contain Apple Cider;
The second goblet does not contain liquid Nuttella;
The third goblet does not contain mint herbal tea;
The fourth goblet does not contain warmed honey and cinnamon;
The fifth goblet does not contain muggle koolaide;
The sixth goblet does not contain tea made from unlaundered socks;
The seventh goblet, however, does indeed contain red wine from the Napa Valley.
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