Title: Spoilers!
magikalrhiannonFandom: Torchwood
Pairing: Jack/Ianto
Rating: NC17
Spoilers: Spoilers for Being Human Season 1 Finale
Summary: An ill-timed text message wrecks havoc.
Word Count: 2997
Disclaimer: All rights belong to BBC and Russell T Davies. I'm just finger-painting in someone else's masterpiece. No infringement intended.
Notes: For
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Comments 24
Btw, I am so stealing this: "Fuckety fuck.." with an extra 'fuck' on the end. :)
I absolutely love fics where Jack obviously truly loves Ianto. They make me warm all over, and very, very happy. Thank you.
*GRIN* glad you loved it :D
And then they get to enjoy an extremely hot interlude to finish their evening! =D
It's so sweet that Jack really only watches the show because he gets to spend the time cuddling up with Ianto. He's such a sap sometimes, he's adorable.
You know, I think I may have exactly the thing for Ianto! And I'll even throw in the pretty stick pins for free!
I really don't think I know anyone who has that serious an aversion to spoilers. *snicker* Myself, I'm rather a spoiler whore. I love checking out the interviews and filming pics and such, but I can totally understand not wanting to know all the exact details. It takes all of the excitement out of it. Some people just have more common sense than others and at least post a warning.
Thanks darling!
You know talking about the writers asking the "UK" fans to be considerate of the "US" fans, you could point out to them that since you live Down "Under", you're family too! And you're the only ones who can claim to be a really fun sexual position! *snicker*
D xxx
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