Celes Chere
Former General
Celes has bright yellow-blonde hair. The top half is pulled back with a silver clip while the bottom half flows down her back freely, reaching past her tailbone. Her eyes are blue-gray and cold, belying her serious nature. She has small dangling silver earrings and a tight thin silver necklace. She wears a yellow leather vest, purple shirt that tucks into yellow leather pants. Her boots are made of the same material, though are a tan in color, as are her arm warmers, which cover her wrists to just below her shoulders. MORE TO COME LATER OKAY
Locke Cole
Treasure Hunting Thief
Locke and Celes' relationship is complicated, but in the good way. He's one of the few people she actually truly trusts and probably will be for quite some time, especially here in Nuadoria. They both have quite a few hurdles to jump through before they might get close to admitting the possibility of something between them.
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