Name: Dustin
Nicknames: Uh... "The Game" is one my friend calls me.
Origin of username: Alice in Chains is a favorite band of mine.
Age: 27
Sign: Aquarius
Would you like to be rated as a girl or a boy? Or doesn't matter?: Doesn't matter
Personality Type Questions
Are you a follower or leader? I can do both, whichever I'm more needed doing.
Its your day off/you have a lot of free time. What would you be doing? Listening to, or playing Music, most likely.
Your best friend or lover has become evil, how do you react? Do you try to save them or join them? Try to save them.
What would be your favorite class subject in school? Lunch. Totally. Well, Music classes and English.
You have an extremely hard test coming up. What do you do? Study enough that it sticks, but not so much that my mind gets jumbled and becomes useless.
Would you rather be a prince/ss, a normal person, or a child to someone of power? someone normal, to be honest.
Give us a song and tell us why you love it. Just one? Hm. Okay...
Alter Bridge "Metalingus". Now, I hate Creed as much as the next self respecting person, but this spin off band actually had a few good songs. Amazing what firing Scott Sapp can do for a band. The lyrics are about always trying to move on from the bad, even though it's a hard thing to do. "I've been defeated and brought down... Dropped to my knees when hope ran out... The time has come to change my ways... On this day, I see clearly. Everything has come to life, a bitter place in a broken dream, and we'll leave it all behind. On this day, it's so real to me, everything has come to life, another chance to chase a dream, another chance to feel, chance to feel alive"
Favorite quote? I don't really have one.
Favorite Book? Changes often, honestly. I'm going to say Alice in Wonderland. (The original one)
Favorite Movie? The Crow
Winx Related
Favorite character(s)? I like all 6 of the Winx girls to be honest. Stella is my favorite. of the Trix i sometimes say Stormy, other times I say Darcy. The Specialists i tend to say Brandon and Riven.
Least favorite character(s)? Probably Flora. I like her, just.. not as much as most of the rest of the cast.
Favorite pairing(s)? Brandon and Stella by far.
If you had to have a pixie, what kind of pixie would you have? Would it help them in some way or not? Never really thought of it. Something fun though. Maybe a music pixie to tune my guitar for me when I am too lazy.
What realm would you come from? Don't say 'Earth' or some country, pick one or make up your own place! A realm where animals talk or one where thoughts can be heard! Go nuts!
Sparx, pre-destruction. Okay, I just have a bit of a fascination with Sparx.
You arrive in Magix and you have a choice of attending Alfea, Cloud Tower, and Red Fountain, which do you choose? I'd prefer magic to being able to get to use meelee weapons. I guess Alfea gets the slight advantage because they get wings. Wings are awesome.
Please post a minimum of three pictures of yourself (no cosplay images please!).
That's supposed to make you lol btw.
Generation 1 Megatron toy.
The champ is here.