Name: Justin
Nicknames: Justinian, Justin Timberlake (certainly not by my choice), Juice (XD)
Origin of username: It's my favorite character from Holly Lisle's Secret Texts Trilogy.
Age: 21
Sign: Scorpio
Would you like to be rated as a girl or a boy? Or doesn't matter?: Personality doesn't matter, but for looks please stick to the guys. Unless you really do think I resemble one of the gals.
Personality Type Questions
Are you a follower or leader? I'm a leader when nobody else steps up to the plate. I don't necessarily like the stress of leadership, but many times it's the best way to see that a job gets done right.
Its your day off/you have a lot of free time. What would you be doing? Work away at my giant book backlog. I'm a true bibliophile. Or catch up with my DVD backlog. Enjoy a cup of coffee or tea. Have a fabulous meal at a great restaurant.
Your best friend or lover has become evil, how do you react? Do you try to save them or join them? Definitely try to save them. Unless it's really what they want, in which case it's really their choice in the end (although that wouldn't stop me from trying!)
What would be your favorite class subject in school? English, World History, Art, Choir, Band (Clarinet FTW!)
You have an extremely hard test coming up. What do you do? Study a lot the night before. I can't help it that I'm a procrastinator at heart.
Would you rather be a prince/ss, a normal person, or a child to someone of power? I'd be a prince - just so long as my life still held meaning and I didn't always have to be in the public eye.
Give us a song and tell us why you love it. I love Rachmaninoff's Second Piano Concerto. Though it lacks words, the emotion and power carried in that song is unmatched.
Favorite quote? "People who are bored have no inner resources." And from Tuesdays With Morrie:"Devote yourself to others, devote yourself to your community around you, and devote yourself to creating something that gives you purpose and meaning."
Favorite Book? The Enchanted Forest Chronicles by Patricia C. Wrede. It poked great fun at fairy tales long before Shrek ever came on the scene. Plus I own these books in about four or five different sets, so that should tell you something.
Favorite Movie? Animated: Beauty and the Beast, Little Mermaid, Aladdin, Anastasia. Non-animated: Indiana Jones Trilogy, You've Got Mail, Merlin.
Winx Related
Favorite character(s)? Flora, Brandon, Mirta, Stella, Tecna, Helia
Lease favorite character(s)?
Favorite pairing(s)? Canon: Stella/Brandon, Bloom/Sky (even though it was forged in ignominy!), Tecna/Timmy; Fanon: Flora/Brandon, Faragonda or Griffin/Saladin, Palladium/DuFour, Any of the witches/Brandon, Any of the witches/Helia
If you had to have a pixie, what kind of pixie would you have? Would it help them in some way or not? It would be a fun pixie, but definitely the pixie of "order" so it could keep track of all the things I'm trying to juggle at one time (not to mention keep my living spaces in order!)
What realm would you come from? Don't say 'Earth' or some country, pick one or make up your own place! A realm where animals talk or one where thoughts can be heard! Go nuts! I would come from a realm that's full of libraries and looks like Victorian London. There are lots of magical universities and great architecture, but also plenty of beautiful natural scenery.
You arrive in Magix and you have a choice of attending Alfea, Cloud Tower, and Red Fountain, which do you choose? Hmm...on one hand I love all the gadgets and toys the RF kids have, but magic and the ability to fly are also very appealing. Is there a school for Paladins?
Please post a minimum of three pictures of yourself (no cosplay images please!).