Do be wary of bare spots, I think I still have some bruises from the last ice storm here. I also fully expect one in March, as the "winter" here has been very mild even for here.
Did you see Kiwi saying above that she thought winters were shifting later? The more I think about it, the more I think she's right. It's so hard to tell when its a freak storm and when climate patterns are really changing.
Things are much better by today, thank goodness. Snow emergency folks deserve triple overtime and the key to the city. Thanks, L! M.
Oh my goodness, but one of the banes of my existence is having to redraft a syllabus because of weather. I am always freaking completely out because there is so much I want teo tell them, and I had it all planned out, and now, ugh, I have to delete or shorten something dear to me! I feel for you on that one. Here's to warmer weather this weekend!!
You, too? I'm trying to play it cool and admit it's okay to let things go sometimes (it's a snow emergency, right?), but it's hard. :) Actually, the students were saying today that one day off was fine, but they were ready to get back to classes again. It's only our second week, and they're feeling behind.
Hope you're having a less eventful winter and a good start to the semester! M.
I was thinking of you during that storm - which completely missed us up here. Glad you're ok - it sounds as though you're situated well to deal.
Ice is the worse - yaktraxs, spikes, I have both and use for different types of footing, 'cause the Doggins must have his walks! (Which is a good thing or I'd never get off my butt, but it can be... less than pleasant... in winter.)
I agree that winter seems to be coming on later. We had a very mild December, and January has been nothing to speak of. Barely 8" snow total so far. Last year, we got over EIGHT FEET of snow in the four weeks of February. I DO NOT want that again, but I doubt Mother Nature cares about my wants.
Do you follow OLSB Recipes? (Old Lady Smut Brigade) therealsnape just posted a recipe for pumpkin risotto that sounds perfect for winter weather.
* The temperature has risen just enough to melt some of the snow...which now is freezing over as temps drop again, making the shoveled parts of the sidewalk just as impassable as the unshoveled. That is THE WORST! No where is safe to step! I hope it all melts soon and you can walk again!
Comments 15
I have a relative in DC. She is not happy either.
Stay warm and stay safe.
Did you see Kiwi saying above that she thought winters were shifting later? The more I think about it, the more I think she's right. It's so hard to tell when its a freak storm and when climate patterns are really changing.
Things are much better by today, thank goodness. Snow emergency folks deserve triple overtime and the key to the city. Thanks, L! M.
Oh my goodness, but one of the banes of my existence is having to redraft a syllabus because of weather. I am always freaking completely out because there is so much I want teo tell them, and I had it all planned out, and now, ugh, I have to delete or shorten something dear to me! I feel for you on that one. Here's to warmer weather this weekend!!
Hope you're having a less eventful winter and a good start to the semester! M.
Ice is the worse - yaktraxs, spikes, I have both and use for different types of footing, 'cause the Doggins must have his walks! (Which is a good thing or I'd never get off my butt, but it can be... less than pleasant... in winter.)
I agree that winter seems to be coming on later. We had a very mild December, and January has been nothing to speak of. Barely 8" snow total so far. Last year, we got over EIGHT FEET of snow in the four weeks of February. I DO NOT want that again, but I doubt Mother Nature cares about my wants.
Do you follow OLSB Recipes? (Old Lady Smut Brigade) therealsnape just posted a recipe for pumpkin risotto that sounds perfect for winter weather.
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