Title: Percy and the Midnight Quest
Characters: Merlin/Arthur (pre-slash) and Percy
Wordcount: 8,900
Rating: G
Spoilers: None
Warnings: None
Summary: In which there is a quest, a mysterious creature and some revelations.
A/N: This features an OC of mine, Sir Percy, who was in a previous series The Route To Advancement :
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Comments 134
...reading now. *skulks off*
Also, the moment of miscommunication between Merlin and Arthur was gorgeous. This is... they way they interact in this series is just gold, thank you so much! *mems, as always*
ETA: Alfred. Alfred the fire-breathing toad. Alfred, the blue, fire-breathing, faintly grumpy toad.
Here is my heart. I have no idea what you'll do with it, but it's yours all the same. Alfred! Brutus! Percy! You create the best OCs and only one of them is human. :D
And I'm glad the miscommunication came over alright as well - I was a little wary of putting it in as it skated rather close to being angst in a Percy fic... But I wanted Arthur to really show he accepted Merlin's magic, and for Percy to be horribly confused too of course.
Anyway, thank you for your wonderful comment!!! I have no doubt there will be more OCs to come, I seem to be rather addicted to them :D :D
There may have been a smidgen of giggling. Well enough to incite little sister glaring, but really Merlin and Arthur and a fire-breathing toad that fails at appropriate expressions! <3
I love how Arthur and Merlin and their unique relationship shine through with a side of Percy's obliviousness. I thought though that when Percy met them they were already in a relationship, but I will reread all Percy related awesomeness. . .
Thanks for writing! This made my night!
These are all meants to be pre-slash so far, but to be fair you can always read what you want into them. The downside with outsider POVs is that you don't get to see everything so we don't know what Merlin and Arthur might be getting up to ;)
Anyway, thanks again for your lovely comment!
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Well, you can, but as long as you have Percy there with his vase, you're probably alright :D
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