Title: My Two Treasures 1/?
Fandom: Twilight
Author: Magos186
Summary: Before Emmett became a Cullen he had a sister he was raising. What happened when she was told he “died” from a bear attack? What became of her? Will they ever see each other again?
Pairings: R/Em, C/Es, A/Ed, eventual B/J
Rating: T for mild language
Word Count: 1,396
Disclaimer: I own nothing. All characters are property of S.M.
A/N: I’m FINALLY getting around to posting this here on my LJ. Only took me like a month. For the first nine chapters, currently all that’s written, I’m going to be posting multiple chapters in an entry simply for convenience. So instead of posting 9 separate chapters, I’m posting just three entries.
This idea came to me as I was falling asleep. Also, I know Emmett’s middle name is Dale according to S.M. but I needed to change it.
My name is Emmett Matthew McCarty Cullen. I am 95 years old. 20 of those years I lived as a human, but then I was attacked one day while out hunting. I was saved from death by my beautiful wife Rosie. She found me dying and gave me new life as a vampire. They say that for vampires, human memories fade over time, but it's been 75 years now and a lot of my memories are as sharp as the day they happened.
It's true that I don't really remember my parents. Not shocking really, considering I never knew my father. I remember something about him being a traveling salesman, but that's about it. I don't think I ever saw him once, and if I did I was too young to remember. Mama said he came around once and awhile, but after BB…well…he just never came around again.
I was six years old, almost seven, the day my baby sister was born. She was the most beautiful baby. True enough I had never really spent time around babies, but my sister was gorgeous. She had a cute little nose, adorable little heart shaped face, beautiful brown hair that curled when it was wet, and the deepest brown eyes. The first time I held her, she looked up at me with those big brown eyes and I was a goner. It was love at first sight. I made it my mission in life to take care of little Isabella and there was nothing I wouldn't do for her.
When our father ditched Mama for the first time and disappeared for weeks, Mama took a job as a schoolteacher in town. That's about all I remember of my mother, save for the fact she disappeared eight years later. I always took care of my Izzy. I bathed her, I fed her, helped her learn to walk, to talk…She was such a smart little girl and as she got older she only grew smarter and prettier. No matter what happened, we always had each other. I would always be there for her and she was always there for me. She even tried to help me with my reading. Imagine that. A tiny little seven year old trying to teach her big, thirteen year old brother how to read. See, when my sister was born, I stopped going to school so I could stay home and take care of her while Mama was gone. I was never the smartest kid, so it didn't bother me much. Instead of reading to Iz, I would tell her stories, some made up, some fanciful versions of my hunting trips. I loved to hunt, but I hated leaving Izzy behind. I had nothing against women hunting. Hell one of the best hunters I knew was a girl…but she wasn't my baby sister. I knew how dangerous animals could be and I refused to let my sister get involved with that. So instead, I taught her how to fish.
The two of us were constantly having grand adventures. We were always having fun. She idolized me and I adored her. One day, we came back from a grand fishing trip to find our Mama gone. Everything she owned: her clothes, her knickknacks, her fancy hairbrushes…everything was gone. Including her. Maybe times were too rough and she just couldn't take it anymore. Who knows? I sure as hell don't. How she could abandon her own children is beyond me. I was fourteen years old when I went from being big brother to mother and father for my eight-year-old sister. Not much changed for us though. I sent Izzy off to school every morning and went to work in a lumberyard. I was at the school everyday when she got out to walk her home. It worked for us. We spent our nights cooking together while she told me about all the things she learned that day. It worked for us for six years.
I was twenty years old when a friend of mine from the lumberyard asked me to go hunting with him. He said he had a good line on the location of a group of grizzly bears. That was a surefire way to get me to go. I loved hunting grizzlies. We planned to go out early the next morning so we could be home (hopefully) in time for supper. Izzy woke up to see me off. She did this every time I went hunting. And she always gave me her necklace. It was something I had made for her after our mother left. It was a silver, oval locket. On the front, "I+E Forever" was engraved. Inside there were two pictures. On the left was a picture of us as kids. On the right was a current picture of us. We took it on Izzy's fourteenth birthday. It was her most treasured possession. Whenever I hunted, she always gave me the necklace and said, "Now you have extra motivation. Bring my two treasures home safely Papa Bear." That's what she called me. Well one of the things. We each had dozens of nicknames for the other. She called me Em, Emmy, Emmy Bear…but she only called me Papa Bear when she was afraid or when I left her to hunt. Just like I only called her Baby Bell when she was scared or when I left her. Then there was Bell, Bells, Bellsie, Izzy…Like I said lots of nicknames for each other.
Every single time I left my little sister, my Baby Bell, my BB, I always brought myself and her necklace, the two things she treasured most in the world, home safely to her. Until that day.
I remember every moment of my human life where my Izzy was involved. I remember our conversations, our special moments, every smile, every hug…but I don't remember how that damn bear got the drop on me that day. All I remembered was promising my sister I'd be home for supper and the next thing I knew, I was in Rosalie's arms. When I woke up, they told me what happened, what I was…but all I could think about was my Bell. Unfortunately, they wouldn't let me find her. Not while I was still a newborn. It was for my sister that I tried so hard to control my thirst. When they finally let me go to her, with Edward and Carlisle for back up of course, she was gone. I could no longer smell her in our house…our house where another family was living. I was so scared. I didn't know what to do. I didn't understand why there was someone else in our house. Where was my Izzy? Was she dead? Did she move? I was so terrified to find out what happened to her. I didn't think I could survive if she was dead.
Edward pulled me into the trees, his hand on my shoulder, while Carlisle went to the house. I have no idea what was said. With my vampire hearing, I should have been able to listen, but the only thing I could hear in my head was my sister's laughter, like bells, and her asking me to come home safe.
When Carlisle returned to us, he told us that according to the family, Isabella McCarty left town the day she found out her brother died. They didn't know where she went. No one did. For years I tried to find her, but it was impossible. She had disappeared without a trace.
I never removed that locket. Not a day went by that I didn't look at the picture of my little Baby Bell. Not a day went by that I didn't wonder what happened to her. Not a day went by that I didn't think of her. Sure, when I was around the family I joked and laughed and smiled…but my smile was never true. It was never the full, deep dimpled, whole face lighting up smile that was reserved for my sister. At night, my Rosie would simply hold me, running her fingers through my hair as I told her stories of my BB. It's been nearly a century since I saw my baby sister and I have missed her every single day. And I will miss her for the rest of my life.
Title: My Two Treasures 2/?
Fandom: Twilight
Author: Magos186
Summary: Before Emmett became a Cullen he had a sister he was raising. What happened when she was told he “died” from a bear attack? What became of her? Will they ever see each other again?
Pairings: R/Em, C/Es, A/Ed, eventual B/J
Rating: T for mild language
Word Count: 2,592
Disclaimer: I own nothing. All characters are property of S.M.
A/N: Just a warning: This gets kind of depressing. Some people might even need a tissue so make sure you have some Kleenex nearby.
My name is Isabella Marie McCarty Warren. I am 89 years old. 20 of those years I lived as a human, but then I was attacked one day while I was out walking. I had unknowingly crossed the path of three vampires. They each bit me; drinking from me until I was so weak I passed out. I don't remember what happened after that. The next thing I do remember is waking up in a cave, my eyesight, hearing, sense of smell each stronger. I stayed in that cave for two days, trying to figure out what had happened to me. Then I saw him…one of the creatures that bit me. He said his name was Laurent and that he had been looking for me. He explained that he did not intend for me to change. He and his friends were just sharing a meal, but something distracted them and they left me on the ground, assuming I was dead. He said that somehow, in the delirium of my change, I must have wandered until I found a safe place to rest. He explained to me what I was now…told me I was a vampire. He even tried to take me hunting, but when I smelt the human blood, I immediately felt like retching. He didn't understand…said that all newborn vampires crave blood. Lots of blood. He said my throat should be on fire from the venom, but my throat was fine. I felt no burning, no hunger. I am an enigma. As it is, I only need to hunt once a month and even then, I only hunt animals. Their blood does not make me nauseas. Sometimes I go for deer or mountain lions or moose. But mostly? I go after bears. Grizzlies if I can find them. Because a grizzly bear destroyed my life.
They say that for vampires, human memories fade over time, but it's been 69 years now and a lot of my memories are as sharp as the day they happened.
It's true that I don't really remember my parents. Not shocking really, considering I never knew my father. My mother…I don't know what she looked like. I don't know her name. I only remember she was a schoolteacher and when I was eight, she disappeared. So if I don't remember my parents, what are all these memories that I have? Mostly, they're of my big brother Emmett. My Papa Bear. For the first fourteen years of my life, not a day went by that he wasn't there with me. He taught me everything I knew. He even taught me how to fish. He was my entire world…right up until the day he died.
My Emmy was everything I could have ever asked for. He was my big brother, my best friend, my protector. He always took care of me. He stopped going to school so he could take care of me. But I went to school. He made sure of it. When I was old enough, he would always walk me to school. While I was learning he would fish or hunt and he would come back when I got out so he could walk me home. After our mother left, he got a job at the lumberyard so he could take care of me and buy me things. He was only fourteen at the time, but he was very tall for his age and Mr. Sanders, the yard owner, knew what happened with our family and gave my brother a chance. Emmy was a very hard worker, but he was still there to walk me to and from school everyday. At night, we would always cook dinner together while I explained to him all the things I learned. I tried to help him learn math and how to read. He wasn't very interested in it, but he tried because I asked him.
All my life my Emmy told me stories. He couldn't read very well, so he made up grand stories to entertain me. It was the best part of my day. I could listen to him for hours and hours. He had such a beautiful voice. When he laughed, it was loud and deep and filled me with warmth, just like those huge sunshiny smiles of his. Even as we got older and he got taller, his voice deeper, those loud laughs of his never once scared me. Emmy was a giant compared to me, but I loved him more than anything in the world.
One day, shortly after my fourteenth birthday, Emmy came home from work and told me he was going hunting the next day with his friend Zachary. This was nothing new though. My big brother loved to hunt…especially grizzlies. That's why I called him Emmy Bear, Brother Bear, Papa Bear. Papa Bear was my most special name for him. Emmett practically raised me himself. He was the best big brother and father anyone could ask for. Anytime I got scared, all I had to do was call him Papa Bear and he would know something was wrong. He'd wrap me in those big, strong arms of his and talk me through what was scaring me or bothering me. And I always called him that before he left on a hunt because I was always afraid he wouldn't come back. So I found something to give him extra incentive to come home to me.
After our mother left, Emmy had a necklace made for me. It was a silver, oval locket. On the front, "I+E Forever" was engraved. Inside there were two pictures. On the left was a picture of us as kids. On the right was a picture of us we took on my fourteenth birthday. Whenever Emmy left, I always gave him that necklace, my most treasured possession, aside from my brother. I told him that it was extra motivation and that he had to bring my two treasures home safely. He'd always say, "I promise Baby Bell." Baby Bell…that's what he'd call me when I was upset or worried or hurt. It was his most special name for me, like Papa Bear was for him. But the morning of that hunt…that was the last time I ever heard it.
Zachary and Emmett had gone hunting together a few times before. Whenever they had an animal targeted, they would split up so they could each try to bag their own kill. They did the same thing that day. But when Zachary went back to find my brother…all he found was Emmy's bloody coat, his bloody knife, and his Remington Model 1900 side-by-side shotgun. I knew it was my Emmy's because "I+E Forever" was carved into the stock of the gun. That was what remained of Emmett Matthew McCarty. My big brother, my whole world, was gone.
I couldn't stay in our house any longer. I told Zachary I was leaving and that he could do with the house what he wanted. I grabbed Emmett's large, white cloth duffle bag from his closet and filled it with clothes, some of Emmy's shirts, all our pictures, the hardback copy of The Secret Garden, my favorite novel and the last gift I received from my brother. I cut a sheet, which I wrapped around his rifle, and added that to my pack along with Emmy's bear claw necklace. Aside from me, it was the thing he was most proud of in the world.
I left with my pack of clothes and treasures, wearing one of my big brother's flannel logging shirts, which smelled of sawdust and him. I didn't have a destination in mind; I just had to get away. I couldn't stay in that town, in that house a moment longer. There was no life for me there without my Papa Bear. I set out on Smokey, our youngest horse, a black Mustang. He was as mean as the day was long to everyone else, but me. No one ever understood why, but I was the only person that horse let ride him. That's why I took him and left our other two horses in the barn for Zachary to do with as he liked.
I traveled for a week, only stopping when Smokey needed to rest. I barely slept. I barely ate. I felt empty. Hollow. There was nothing I wanted out of life, except to see my big brother's smiling face. But going that long without food or sleep takes its toll on the body and one day, I fainted and fell off my horse. A man named Samuel found me. He was thirty years old and a widower. He'd lost his wife and only child during childbirth. He took me to his home and nursed me back to health. He would hold me when I woke from a nightmare, calling out for Emmy. He would hold me when I cried. Sam had such a kind heart. He helped me to live again. He convinced me that my brother would not want me to wither away and die, but to live my life for the both of us. So that's what I did. I stayed with Sam on his farm outside a small Kentucky town. Over the years, I fell in love with him. It didn't matter to me that he was fifteen years my senior. We married when I was seventeen and one year later, we had a little boy…Matthew. He was beautiful. He had light blond hair, like his daddy, but it was wavy, like mine. He had his daddy's face and nose, but his eyes…his eyes were that beautiful forest green like my brother.
For my twentieth birthday Sam gave me a necklace. It was a silver compass, and on the inside of the cover was a picture of him with our son. When he gave it to me he said, "Last time, fate brought you to me. Now, if you ever get lost, you'll be able to find your way home to me." But it was him that was lost.
Two weeks after my birthday, I was in town getting a few things from the store. I left Matthew home with his daddy. They both had a cold. When I got home, the sheriff was waiting outside my house. Seems that while I was gone, an escaped prisoner had come through. Sam tried to do the brave thing. They fought and he managed to knock the man unconscious, or so he thought. Matthew had run into the room, scared by the noise from the fight. Sam picked him up and when his back was turned, the man pulled out a gun and shot him in the back. The bullet went through Sam and into Matt. They were both dead in minutes.
After the funeral, I was broken beyond repair. I had lost my brother, my husband, and my son. I had nothing left to live for. I didn't want to go back home. A few of the boys from town, friends of Sam, had come in and removed the…evidence. They couldn't get the blood out of the floor, so they simply replaced it. It was awful kind of them, but still I didn't want to go there. I decided to go for a walk through the woods. I had always been a fan of nature, courtesy of my brother. That was when the vampires found me.
When I finally left the cave, three days after my transformation was complete, one day after Laurent explained everything to me and was satisfied that I would not go on a killing spree, destroying the town and exposing the secret, I returned to my home. Once again, I packed my things in my brother's old bag. I packed clothes, the things I had taken from the house in Tennessee, all the pictures of my now lost family, and the small tuft of blond curls, taken when my son had his first haircut. I knew I could run quickly now, but I wanted some form of companionship, so I went to the barn. The horses and cows were afraid of me. They moved as far away from me as they could in their stalls. But Smokey? I opened the door to his stall and he walked right up to me and nuzzled my face. I swear we were kindred spirits or something. And so the two of us set out on a long journey. Fifteen years later when he was too old to carry on, his bones frail and weak, I drank from him to end his suffering. He was the last living tie I had to my brother. Without him, I simply wandered the country alone. I never talked to anyone, never bothered to set down roots again. I simply existed in the world, without actually living in it.
It’s June 8, 2010…my 89th birthday. I was sitting on the banks of lake staring up at the dark, star filled sky when I suddenly heard a giggle. I whipped my head towards the sound and standing there, holding his father's hand, was my little boy. I'm not one to believe in ghosts or angels or miracles, but at that moment I believed in them all.
"Hi Mama," Matthew shouted with a wave as they moved closer to me.
"Hello baby," I whispered, wishing I could reach out and hug him. "I miss you sweetheart."
"I miss you too Mama, but me and daddy are always watchin you," he said smiling.
"Isabella, what are you doing love?" Sam asked as he sat down across from me, pulling Matthew into his lap. "You are the same now as you were when we first met, only this time you don't need sleep and you don't have to eat often. You're not living."
"How can I?" I asked in a whisper, venom tickling my eyes, but the tears never coming. "I've lost everyone I've ever loved."
"Matthew and I have been watching over you every day. We are the reason you are still alive. We are the reason you can't stand the smell of human blood. We are always with you my love."
I smiled, letting his words sink in. Always my savior that Samuel. Seems nothing can stop him, not even death. "Still taking care of me huh?"
"I always will beautiful, even if you don't see me. Now, we're not really supposed to be here talking, but I needed to tell you it's time to move on. You need to start living again. Let yourself love again. It's the only way you will ever heal. And don't tell me you don't want to. You have let yourself grieve for us long enough. It's been almost seventy years. It's time to move on sugar," Sam said softly as he stood, once again taking hold of our son's hand. "I have a birthday present for you. Go to Forks, Washington. That's where you'll find what you're looking for. Goodbye sweetheart."
"Goodbye Mama," Mattie said as he waved his little hand at me.
"Goodbye my loves," I whispered as they disappeared before me. I took a minute to let everything sink in then I stood, grabbed my bag, and headed towards Washington, using Sam's compass to point me in the right direction. Sam had always known what the right thing for me to do was and I trusted him implicitly. I don't know what he expects me to find in this Forks, but he's never steered me wrong before.
A/N: This chapter totally took on a life of its own. Please let me know what you think of this. Was it good? Was it bad? Let me know what you would like to see happen with this story. Reviewers get cookies! (Well, not really, but you get lots of love from me.) Please review.
The side-by-side shotgun is also known as the double barrel shotgun if that confused anyone.
All picture links (including locket and compass) for this story can be found here:
http://magos186.livejournal.com/30267.html#cutid1 Title: My Two Treasures 3/?
Fandom: Twilight
Author: Magos186
Summary: Before Emmett became a Cullen he had a sister he was raising. What happened when she was told he “died” from a bear attack? What became of her? Will they ever see each other again?
Pairings: R/Em, C/Es, A/Ed, eventual B/J
Rating: T for mild language
Word Count: 1,753
Disclaimer: I own nothing. All characters are property of S.M.
Bella’s POV:
The first time I realized that living without a home was going to be a problem was when I came to the conclusion that having no money would also be an issue. I did have the savings Sam left me, but that wouldn’t last me forever…especially not if I stopped at a hotel at least once a week to shower and clean my clothes. However it’s not like I could get a job, now could I? Aside from the fact that it was the 40s, there were only a few jobs acceptable for women and being a vampire, I couldn’t exactly do them. So one day, I stopped in the little town I was near and procured several journals and pens. I had always loved stories and I figured it was something I wanted to try my hand at. I began writing the adventures of a little girl and her horse. Two days later, I had filled every page of all five journals. I hadn’t planned to write so much, but once I got started I had a hard time stopping. That would be how I wound up with a five book series, each journal being its own book.
I knew that the only way anything would become of my stories was to get them published and there was no hope of doing that in the middle of the country. So I set out for New York City. It was not hard to find a publishing house, as many had set up shop there. I picked one at random and mailed them my work. I also got a post office box in a nearby town so that the publishers would have a way to get in touch with me. Within a week I had a contract in my mailbox. It seems everyone at the company who’d read my works loved them. I was even asked to continue the series. So I did. To this day, I have written fifty-seven books, all under the name S.M. Nerraw. The stories of the girl and her horse maxed out at twelve books. After that, I began to write about anything that popped into my head, from traveling around the country to the stories my Emmy used to tell me when I was younger. The past couple decades, my more serious novels have reached number one on the New York Times Best Seller’s List. I was very accomplished, but still the only time I ever spoke to anyone was when I asked for a room at a motel…the extent of my social interaction. Even my editors had never met me. We communicated through letters only and later on email. I never had a book tour and the only signings I did consisted of my editors sending me a few dozen copies of the books, which I’d sign and mail back.
I had more money than I knew what to do with, so much in fact, that I had several Swiss bank accounts. All the royalties from the books would go into a specific account at my bank in New York then were later on transferred if the account got too large. As it is, I only have about one million available to me in this country. I didn’t need access to more than that right now. It was enough to get me a hotel, clothes, and gas for my car for years at a time. Years later when the account got too low, I’d just transfer more in. It was a system that seemed to be working well for me.
My car…I absolutely adore my car. It’s a black, hardtop, 1967 Chevy Impala with an all black interior. I had no intention of purchasing a vehicle after I lost Smokey, but ten years later when the Impala came out…it was the first thing that made me smile since I’d become a vampire. After I bought it, I read every book I could find on mechanics, learning how to change the oil, spark plugs, basically just how to keep it running. For the first time I appreciated the retain ability of my vampire brain. Courtesy of that, as well as my strength, I’ve been able to keep Shadow running and in perfect, mint condition for the past 43 years. Shadow, my name for the Impala, is the reason it took me near a week to get from my current location of Elkins, West Virginia, 211 cloudy/rainy days a year to Forks, Washington, home of the rarely seen sun. But that was fine with me. I have always enjoyed the rain.
I pulled into the town late on a Monday evening. By following Main Street, I was able to easily locate the town’s only motel, a family run looking place named The Weary Traveler. Creative name, I know. I quickly procured a room around the back, grabbed my things from the trunk of my car, and headed in. My first order of business was a bath. Baths had always been my one true indulgence. Sure, showers are fast and more convenient, but nothing beats lying in a tub of hot, bubbly water just letting all your worries and troubles drift away. However this time, nothing was drifting. My mind was too busy trying to understand what I was supposed to find here. I had no idea where to even begin looking, but I hoped my boys would send me a sign.
The next morning I dressed myself in a pair of jeans, black heeled combat boots, a purple v-neck tank top and my black leather bomber jacket. I left my hair down. I didn’t want to waste time styling it because if it started to rain, it would get ruined. Down was faster and more convenient. I was in a hurry to get moving, so I collected my keys, locked everything up, and began to walk. If I was walking it would be easier to pick up a scent or see someone…something…anything to make me understand why I was here.
One hour later, I had walked around the entire town. It was small and quaint and the forests were amazing. If I were ever going to settle down, it would be in a place like this. Perhaps I would be settling here if I ever discovered the reason Sam sent me. He couldn’t just say, “Go to this place. You’re looking for a pink elephant, you’ll find it there.” No, that would be too easy. Instead he says, “Go to Forks. There you’ll find what you’re looking for.” That’s great Samuel. Thank you. I have no idea what I’m looking for. He told me it was time to move on so does that mean I’m looking for a person? A mate? A coven? What?
“Help me out here Sammy,” I whisper looking up at the sky. “I need a little direction love.” Frustrated, I sat down on a bench on the sidewalk. “Maybe I should just leave. I’ve been on my own for over half a century, what’s another fifty years?”
I was about to stand when the wind changed and I smelled it. A vampire. I looked up and saw I was in front of a hospital. Why would there be a vampire in a hospital? That doesn’t make sense. I thought they didn’t like sick blood, I thought to myself. My curiosity quickly got the better of me so I made my way inside. I was planning to just walk around tracking the scent, but apparently that wasn’t going to work.
“Can I help you dear?” A voice behind me asked. I turned to see an older woman, her gray hair pulled back into a tight bun, wearing light blue scrubs. She looked me up and down for a moment before saying, “Are you here to see Dr. Cullen? You look like one of his kids.”
A pale vampire looks like one of this doctor’s kids? Really? Well maybe the man is the one I smelt. “Yes, I am,” I say softly. “Can you point me in his direction please?”
“Of course. Go down the hall; take a left then a right. His office is straight ahead.”
“Thank you very much,” I reply before heading down the hall. It may have been a long time since I had a conversation, but my Emmy taught me manners.
The closer I got to the office, the more I could smell him. He must have smelled me too because just as I was about to knock on his door, it opened to reveal a blond, wide-eyed vampire. As I looked at his face, I realized his eyes were gold and let out a sigh of relief. “Oh thank goodness, you’re a vegetarian.”
“Please come in,” he said, moving back from the door, allowing me to enter. I sat in one of the large white chairs in front of his desk as he closed the door and moved to sit in his desk chair. “Can I help you?” He asked, his eyes inquisitive.
“I’m honestly not sure. I was told to come to this town to ‘find’ something, but I don’t know what. I was about to give up my search when I smelled a vampire. I followed the scent and here you are. A vampire doctor. I have to admit, that’s something I never could have expected.”
The man before me smiled softly and I found myself relaxing. He seemed to generate peacefulness. “I always wanted to be a doctor. I find my…abilities…only make me better. I worked very hard in my early years to overcome the bloodlust and I haven’t been affected by the smell of it for a very long time. How is it that you are able to be here with such ease?”
“This is going to sound strange, but the smell of human blood makes me nauseous. I don’t need to hunt regularly either. I usually only need one or two animals about once a month.”
“Fascinating. Oh, where are my manners? I’m Carlisle. Carlisle Cullen,” he said, holding his hand out.
“Isabella Warren,” I replied, shaking his hand.
“I finished my shift a few minutes ago. Would you like to come meet my family?”
“That would be wonderful, thank you.”
He grabbed his things and walked me out to his Mercedes. He even held the passenger door open for me. I could tell the two of us would get along well. I just hoped the rest of his family was as kind as him.
A/N: Bella’s car…I was gonna give her a black mustang, in memory of Smokey, but I like the 67 Impala better. All picture links for this story like the car, her outfit, her locket, compass can be found here:
http://magos186.livejournal.com/30267.html#cutid1 For those of you who didn’t figure it out, her penname: S.M. Nerraw stands for Samuel, Matthew, and Nerraw is Warren (her married name) spelled backwards.
Let me know what you think! Reviews are love!
Title: My Two Treasures 4/?
Fandom: Twilight
Author: Magos186
Summary: Before Emmett became a Cullen he had a sister he was raising. What happened when she was told he “died” from a bear attack? What became of her? Will they ever see each other again?
Pairings: R/Em, C/Es, A/Ed, eventual B/J
Rating: T for mild language
Word Count: 2,198
Disclaimer: I own nothing. All characters are property of S.M.
A/N: Be Warned: This chapter is going to switch POVs a bit. I apologize in advance if it confuses anyone.
Also, Edward is going to seem a bit OOC because he’s very close to his brothers and he’s very nice/sensitive.
Esme’s POV
I just received a text from Carlisle informing me he was bringing home a visitor and asking to make sure everyone was home. The girls were planning on going shopping, but all the air was “mysteriously” let out of tires of all the cars except Emmett’s Jeep and Edward’s Volvo. I wonder which of the boys did it to get out of going. Either way it was fortunate. It meant all the kids were home. Four of them were in their rooms, the boys I’m sure were hiding. Rosalie had just come in from the garage, grumbling angrily after inflating everything and making sure none of the rims were harmed. “Kids, please come into the living room,” I requested. Within a few moments, they were all standing in front of me, my sons looking at me innocently. I couldn’t help smiling at them. I was truly blessed.
“What’s up mom?” Emmett asked. He was the only one to always call me that instead of Esme. I smiled wider and relayed to them that Carlisle was coming home with someone. Immediately the questions began. “Who is it?” “Is it a vampire?” “He wouldn’t bring a human here would he?” “Alice, can you see anything?”
“Everyone, hush. Rosalie, why don’t you go get cleaned up dear? I’m sure whoever it is, you would rather not meet them smelling like rubber.”
“Good point. I’ll be back.” She quickly fled the room and moments later I heard the shower turn on.
“Now, I don’t know who is coming or whether or not they are a vampire. However I do not believe your father would bring a human here without warning us. Alice dear, have you seen anything?”
“Nothing Esme. The future gets fuzzy when Carlisle gets home. It’s like watching a television with bad reception. I can’t really see anything and I definitely cannot see this visitor. I do see everyone clearly tomorrow though so I know no one’s going to be hurt.”
“That’s good. Well, they should be here shortly.”
Bella POV
The closer we got to his house, the more nervous I became. I had never been around a large group of vampires before. In fact the only one I had even met, aside from Dr. Cullen, had been Laurent and it’s not like we keep in touch. I haven’t seen him since that day in the cave. I didn’t much care. Why would I want to stay in touch with one of the creatures who had turned me immortal when all I wanted at the time was to die and join my family?
“Don’t worry dear,” Carlisle said, pulling me from my thoughts. “We are a large group, but no one will harm you. They are good people. Well…here we are.”
The car stopped in front of a large, beautifully designed white house. Once again, Carlisle came around and opened the car door for me before guiding me up to the door. He went in first, something I was grateful for. It allowed me an extra few seconds to take a deep breath. However in that breath, I smelled something vaguely familiar. Pine trees, wet earth, and just a hint of strawberries. My brother used to smell like that. He got the trees and earth from his work, but I always smelled of strawberries…they used to grow in our backyard. We spent so much time together he smelt a little like me and I always smelled faintly of pine. I miss you Emmy, I thought to myself before looking up to see Doctor Cullen’s family standing before me. When I saw him, I gasped. Standing before me was a man who looked just like my big brother. The only differences were that his eyes were golden not green and his skin was pale, not tanned like it was from working outdoors everyday. “Papa Bear?” I mumbled so low it was barely audible. His eyes caught mine and I knew in that instant he was my brother.
“Baby Bell?” As soon as the soft words reached my ears, I launched myself at him. He caught me easily and I was immediately wrapped in those big, strong arms of his. I buried my face in his neck, my arms and legs wrapped tight around him. He buried his face in my hair, hugging me to him as tight as he could, both of us crying tearless cries. “Don’t you ever leave me again,” I whispered against his skin.
“Never again baby girl. I swear. I’m never letting you out of my sight again. I missed you so much. I love you so much Bell,” he whispered, kissing me all over my face.
“I love you Papa Bear. God I missed you,” I said, burying my face in his neck once again. Thank you Sam. Thank you, thank you, thank you, I thought to myself, believing that Sam would hear it.
“What the hell is going on here?” A female voice shrieked. I lowered my legs to the ground, my arms immediately wrapping around my brother’s waist as I turned slightly. His arms came around my waist as well. Standing in the direction of the shriek was a short girl with spiky black hair, her hands on her hips.
“I’m not quite sure,” Carlisle answered. “Everyone, this is Isabella Warren.”
“Warren?” Emmett asked shocked. “What the hell?” He picked up my left hand and noticed the two purple rings sitting on my ring finger. “You got married? How old are you?”
“Yes, I did get married, and I’m twenty.” He moved in front of me, his hands on my shoulders, looking me up and down.
“You got taller,” he whispered. “You got more gorgeous too. I’m sorry I missed your wedding. I went back for you but you were gone. I tried so hard to find you.”
“Emmett, is this…” a woman with caramel colored hair started to say.
“Everyone, this is Isabella Marie McCarty,” he said as he moved to my side, his arm around my shoulders.
“Isabella Marie McCarty Warren,” I corrected.
“Right, sorry. Guys, this is my baby sister.”
Emmett POV
When we heard the car pull into the driveway, we all stood near the front door. I had no idea why Carlisle would be bringing home someone new, but maybe they heard of him and wanted to learn our lifestyle. It had happened a time or two before. He came in the door first, probably to give whoever was behind him a minute to relax. As soon as he moved out of the way, I smelled it. Strawberries and pine, but there was something else mixed in…an earthy smell mixed with…baby powder? That’s an odd combination. The first two reminded me of my little sister though. She loved strawberries. They grew in our yard and she would eat them constantly. After I started working in the lumberyard, I always smelled of pine and because Izzy spent so much time with me she started to smell faintly of pine too. I miss you little sister, I thought to myself before looking up at the person in the doorway. She had long, dark brown, wavy hair, just like my Izzy. When our eyes met, she gasped and muttered “Papa Bear?” As soon as I heard it, I knew. “Baby Bell?” I whispered back. Her face lit up as she launched herself at me, jumping into my arms. I caught her easily, hugging her as tightly as possible without breaking all her bones. I buried my face in her hair, breathing in deeply. God I had missed her.
We were both sobbing, holding onto each other for dear life. The only thing I could think of was She’s back! She’s in my arms again! “Don’t you ever leave me again,” I heard her whisper. I pulled her face up so I could look into her eyes. “Never again baby girl. I swear. I’m never letting you out of my sight again. I missed you so much. I love you so much Bell,” I said as I kissed her cheeks, her forehead… I couldn’t believe she was real. I couldn’t believe she was here.
“What the hell is going on here?” I heard the pixie shriek. Now, you would think, seeing as I’m married, that my wife would be the one asking that question, not my sister. But with the exception of Alice and Jasper, everyone knew about Izzy. By the time those two came around, I had given up my search and I never really talked about her. I thought about her all the time though. Poor Edward had to hear it constantly…he heard my guilt over leaving her, not being able to find her…my sadness over the fact I’d never see her again. He was a good brother though. He always offered to listen if I ever wanted to talk about her.
“I’m not quite sure,” Carlisle said, breaking me from my thoughts. I put Izzy back on her feet, but wrapped my arms around her waist and she did the same to me. “Everyone, this is Isabella Warren,” my father informed. That’s right everyone. We’re relate-wait.
“Warren? What the hell?” I picked up her left hand, noticing the two purple rings there. Holy shit! “You got married? How old are you?”
“Yes, I did get married, and I’m twenty,” she said softly. I stood in front of her, my hands on her shoulders. As I looked her over, I noticed, “You got taller. You got more gorgeous too. I’m sorry I missed your wedding,” I said sadly. I would have liked to have been there. “I went back for you but you were gone. I tried so hard to find you.”
“Emmett, is this…” Esme started.
I looked up, noticing only Carlisle and the girls remained. I wondered what happened to the guys. Oh well, they’d turn up sooner or later. “Everyone, this is Isabella Marie McCarty,” I said as I moved to her side, my arm around her shoulders.
“Isabella Marie McCarty Warren,” she corrected with a small smile.
“Right. Sorry.” I don’t think I’d ever get used to her not being a McCarty. “Guys, this is my baby sister.”
Jasper POV
I was standing off to the side of the family, who had congregated near the front door. When I heard it open, I looked up to see a vampire standing there. She had long, wavy, dark brown hair. Her eyes were dark, like she hadn’t hunted recently, but she didn’t feel thirsty. She was wearing jeans that hugged her hips and a top that clung to her curves. She was beautiful. I watched as she looked around the room, but when her eyes landed on Emmett, I felt sadness and longing wash over her. Hmm. That’s interesting. She gasped and then uttered something I couldn’t hear. I felt her shock and a moment later I felt Emmett’s shock as well as he whispered, “Baby Bell?” The vampire launched herself at my brother and I was hit with relief and joy and love so powerful it literally knocked me to the ground. I couldn’t bear it. I was being crushed under the weight of their emotions. I didn’t even have the strength to open my mouth. Edward, I thought. He immediately noticed me on the floor. Get me out of here man. I can’t take this. It’s too powerful. I can’t-
Moments later, I was in my brother’s arms as he ran me far enough away from the house that I could no longer feel anything but my brother’s concern. “Are you alright Jazz?” He asked as he carefully laid me on the ground. I didn’t move.
I need-I need to hunt. I have never felt anything like that. Their relief and love was so intense. It was…draining.
“Stay here, I’ll be right back,” Edward said before he ran off. Oh okay, I’ll wait right here. I didn’t have the strength to speak did he really expect me to crawl off? I was about to call him an idiot in my mind when he returned carrying a mountain lion and a bear, both their necks broken. I take back anything bad I ever said about you, I thought as he placed the animals in front of me, positioning the lion’s neck under my mouth. I quickly finished the creature and drained the bear.
“Are you alright now?” Edward asked, still concerned and a little…frightened? “I’ve never seen you like that Jazz. You scared me.” I may be the empath, but he always was the most sensitive of us. I guess that’s what happens when you have to hear everyone’s thoughts.
“I’m alright little brother. Thank you for getting me out of there. And for the food. I appreciate it.”
“Their emotions were really that powerful?”
“Yeah man. It was crazy. It was like constantly getting hit by a train. Who the hell is she? And who is she to Em that it would evoke such strong emotions?”
“Well, I’m not a hundred percent sure, but if I had to guess…based on him calling her Baby Bell…I’d say that was Emmett’s little sister Isabella.”
A/N: Bella’s wedding rings can be found here:
http://magos186.livejournal.com/30267.html#cutid1I had originally pictured the reunion happening at the school, but I just couldn’t get Bella there and have it still make sense, hence the reunion being at the Cullen place.
Chapters 5-7