It looks like we have close to 5 inches of snow and strong winds this morning. Time to build up the wood fires and get the house warmed up again.
Still it feels like a good morning. It has been weeks since I haven't woken up depressed. At times I wish I didn't react negatively to antidepressants so that I could use them.
I've never been sure if the depression is part of the fibromyalgia or a completely separate issue. They both frequently respond to antidepressants. At least they are both now recognized as illness.
For decades I had friends and family tell me to just cheer up. That is not helpful at all to some one with depression and really is hurtful.
For decades doctors didn't believe in fibromyalgia either.
At 15 I was told it was soft tissue arthritis and nothing could be done. At 30 I found one doctor at the Denver Army hospital that called it fibrocitis and recommended low doses of anti depressant. My regular doctor scoffed at the idea. Over the years I was told to get a hobby, cheer up, quit wasting their time since they had sick people to treat. No wonder so many with fibro back in those days were depressed. I didn't get a true diagnosis until I was almost 50 years old.
The progress being made in medical science is astounding.
When I was a child people were forever going in for exploratory surgery just in hopes of finding out what was wrong. Now it is a matter of a quick MRI, Cat scan or Ultrasound.
Both of my parents died young from illnesses that are now mostly treatable. A high school friend died from a cancer that had a fatality rate of over 90%. The same cancer now has a fatality rate of only about 5 to 10 percent.
When I was in school having cancer could get you fired and it wasn't talked about except in whispers among family. Many people thought it was contagious- I still found that idea among people when I was in my 30's. I'm sure it is still out there.
I'm glad medical knowledge has advanced to the present state but oh the thought of what might be possible 50years from now.
Enough rambling- time to brave the elephants as my grandmother use to say and go feed and water the goats and chickens. Then have breakfast and start weaving.