Jul 11, 2006 01:11

Basically, the whole "what can I/can't I do with your characters" thing!

Age: 15-16 (first year high school student)
Height: Somewhere in the low 5' range (I'd say around 5'4"-5")
Medical Info: Not a huge amount of note. Healthy and fit. INCREDIBLY energetic. In real-world terms, she's a poster child for Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorder--huge amount of energy with absolutely no direction or focus. Could also be considered somewhat developmentally challenged, given the claims that her brain operates on a pre-adolescent level, but that's sort of a gray area. XD
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Blue
Physical traits: Her hair can move on its own. ...This is sort of getting into "abilities" territory so, uh, if you're taking her as a normal person...not a huge amount of note.
What's Okay To Mention Around Him/Her: Absolutely anything, including her own fictional nature.. Himeko's canon pays no respect to the fourth wall, to the point of having shots that reveal the whole series to be taking place on a TV set; being told she's fictional will not faze Himeko. She'll either not process it or make a joke about episode numbers and promptly forget about it.
Mentionable IC: Yeah, what Tomo said, isn't this the same thing? XD Though to expand on the previous point--feel free to question the things Himeko takes for granted (maho, her occasional bouts of flight, her weird transformations, etc.) but be aware that she won't be able to give much of a coherent response. These things are simply part of reality for her, and she doesn't think about them or question them.
Abilities: None of note if she's being taken as a normal person. Himeko is a girl with energy but no talent and thus has no skills of note or "real" special abilities. However, I play her as operating under the rules of her canon, which means that reality is extremely fluid for her and Things Will Happen. So, for instance, if you're having a conversation with Himeko and see, say...this icon, she's not just getting angry or whatever--she actually looks exactly like that.
Notes for the Psychics: Feel free to read Himeko's mind! Do note, though, that being in there for any length of time will probably make you feel stupider, or possibly give you motion sickness; Himeko's thoughts are rapid, disorganized, and often downright incoherent. There will be a lot of images of crab floating around in there, along with underaged girls in odd outfits, and also girls her own age in Playboy Bunny costumes.

It is also canonically shown that Himeko's dreams often involve grass that looks like the antenna-hair on the top of her head, birds that sing Maho, maho!, the archangel Michael (who is married to a turtle and looks like a big fat biker), and, well...a whole lot of nonsense.
Can I shapeshift/bodyswap/spit at/step on/etc?: Sure! Comical physical abuse is Himeko's bread and butter; she's on the receiving end of a huge amount of it in her canon, and she always bounces right back.
Maim/Murder/Death: As long as it's played comically, go right ahead. Himeko has been electrocuted and set on fire; these injuries never "take" unless there's some joke or plot-related reason for them to do so. There is an actual scene in which, after being badly burned by a laser, Himeko reverts to normal in a puff of smoke. If anyone cuts any of her limbs off, I plan to have her regenerate them Homunculus-style, right down to the arcs of electricity. The girl is basically protected by an invincible Field of Comedy.
Cooking: Can't, as far as is shown in canon. All the food we see her eat is prepared by other people. Would probably try cooking crab for herself if there was no one around to do it for her. Or maybe she'd just eat it raw.
Physical Affection: Himeko is prone to getting inappropriately touchy with other girls, especially if they're underaged OR if they're really curvy. Yes, it's contradictory, but it's Himeko, she doesn't have to make sense. XD Will not particularly object to hugs/whatever from other people, but if these are actual romantic overtures (WHAT ARE THE ODDS), she will prooobably be too dense to recognize them as such.

Age: 17 (aged up in camp)
Height: Low-mid 5' range; say 5'5" or 6" on the outside.
Medical Info: Fairly poor eyesight; wears glasses. Fit and fairly athletic. Has a largish (though somewhat faded now, thanks to Cheri) scar on her left shoulder--the remnants of a Hollow attack, though she remembers it as an injury taken from falling window glass.
Eyes: Hazel
Hair: Dark red
Physical traits: Slim build. Not terribly physically strong though she's got a good grip. High threshold for pain and injury thanks to first-hand experience.
What's Okay To Mention Around Him/Her: Pretty much anything? Chizuru is slowly starting to realize her world is weird, though I'd prefer no one dump a huge long Shinigami explanation on her, since this gradual discovery and lingering disbelief/ignorance are hilarious to me. XD Chizuru will not believe that she's fictional if told as much. Or, well--since she grasps alternate reality okay, she may accept that somewhere out there there're comics in which a person a lot like her appears, but she won't take this person as the real her, or the comics as a chronicle of her life.
Mentionable IC: See above, basically. If anyone with knowledge of the Hollow attack tries to explain it to her, Chizuru will not really believe them but will mildly freak out as poorly-erased/suppressed memories stir. (Soul Society sucks at the amnesia.)
Abilities: Briefly had a camp-induced power to telekinetically grope people, but that's gone away. Also had camp-induced MAGICAL GIRL VILLAIN abilities which are also long gone. Right now, she's normal as normal can be.
Notes for the Psychics: Her head is full of porn 99.99% of the time, generally involving some combination of her, Chisame, and any number of the girls she knows and finds attractive. This variable number IS sometimes zero, yes.
Can I shapeshift/bodyswap/spit at/step on/etc?: Oh sure. Like Himeko, Chizuru is a recepient of frequent comical abuse.
Maim/Murder/Death: ...Unlike Himeko, Chizuru is from a canon with a somewhat stronger grip on reality, and thus lacks the Comedy Shield that protects Himeko from any and all lasting harm. So. Uh. I'd rather she not lose limbs or stuff like that, and not die unless it's done briefly and for the purposes of comedy only.
Cooking: It's never really shown. I play her as knowing a little but not enough to really get by without making the same boring things over and over, so she doesn't really do much of it (but she looooooves Home Ec because omg girly class).
Physical Affection: Chizuru is a chronic groper of girls she finds cute. She's done a decently good job of reining this habit in recently, but slips up on occasion and is still a pretty regular flirt (though considerably less of a serious one than she was pre-Chisame...or should I say pre-almost-really-messing-things-up-with-Chisame). As for RECEIVING physical affection, uh. Chizuru does enjoy it when girls flirt with her. She will be instantly irritated/angry/defensive if a guy makes even the mildest advance on her. (This does not mean I don't want it to happen. In fact, I think it would be hilarious if it happened more often.)

As for physical affection from girls, um, well. Chizuru HAS gotten a lot better about discouraging that sort of thing ever since the INFAMOUS KISS. And pretty much all of the girls in camp who might take in interest in her are aware of her thing with Chisame and respectful of it, so she doesn't have many problems with people she might be interested in throwing themselves at her. HOWEVER, Chizuru is weak to female attention, so a girl she finds attractive seriously hitting on her is going to have an effect, period. So. Uh. While I don't want to rule it out because it COULD be funny, let's be careful with it so that the potential EMO TIDES are not unleashed. 8DDD

Age: 12ish
Height: Short
Medical Info: Possible narcoleptic. At the very least a freakishly frequent napper. Spends close to 100% of her time with her eyes closed and is generally so expressionless that it's impossible to tell whether she's awake or not unless she's actually talking.
Eyes: Green
Hair: Blue
Physical traits: Not too athletic (barely moves), but I think she's overall pretty fit for a girl her age, since she probably spent quite a few years roughing it in a mountain temple way far away from civilization.
What's Okay To Mention Around Him/Her: Perhaps ironically, Koumei will categorically refuse to believe she's fictional. She won't be loud or angry about it, she'll simply let the assertion roll past her and ignore it. (Sure, she's the reincarnation of a major figure from a book, but hello, HISTORICAL FICTION. >|) But hey, feel free to mention it.
Mentionable IC: There're probably some Ikkitousen story details or whatever that should be kept quiet or something but NO ONE IS GOING TO KNOW THOSE so it probably doesn't matter. XDDD
Abilities: Is a genius. (This is part of the reason she's hard to play.) The original Zhuge Liang was so smart he was considered prescient. Obviously, his loli reincarnation has similar talents. THIS IS HARD TO PLAY. I also occasionally have her break into the abilities Zhuge Liang demonstrates in Dynasty Warriors (fan fighting, MAGIC EXPLODING BALLS OF LIGHT, lasers), but usually only during tournament posts.
Notes for the Psychics: Has a weird dual-nature thing going on--you've got Koumei, the girl, but the soul of Zhuge Liang is "with" her, bound into the gem on her earring and connected to/part of her being.
Can I shapeshift/bodyswap/spit at/step on/etc?: Yeah, but expect to get your shit fucked by Ying if you do so.
Maim/Murder/Death: No please.
Cooking: Pffft. That's what Ying other people are for.
Physical Affection: YING WILL KILL YOU IF YOU TRY ANYTHING. Seriously guys it's bad news. Koumei's not too shy with, you know, feeling up girls (well--girl, singular) she finds attractive. She will probably be completely unresponsive to anything other than attention from that girl and, you know, nice motherly hugs from Ying. And again, anyone else who tries anything without Koumei's express consent is going to find a war pick lodged in the back of their skull.

Age: Technically 54. Mentally and appearance-wise, though, 14.
Height: Low 5' range? I'm sure there's an exact number somewhere but uh I totally forget it.
Medical Info: Has no physical body and thus no "physical condition" to speak of.
Eyes: Red
Hair: Very pale blue, almost white
Physical traits: Is a ghost. Also, her clumsiness was apparently stronger than death, as she is shown to be capable of tripping despite her lack of, uh...legs.
What's Okay To Mention Around Him/Her: Okay, so pretty much all my characters can be told they're fictional. Sayo will probably sigh and say something like "that would figure" but not really believe it deep down.
Mentionable IC: I'd rather the sketchy information we have on her death (pretty much all we know is that she was murdered) not be mentioned to her directly. They will make her emo, and besides that, I don't want to go into them before we know more about the situation.
Abilities: Ghost stuff! She's selectively intangible--it seems that she can phase through things/people when she remembers that she can, but if she gets too frightened or whatnot, she'll forget this ability and suddenly those walls'll be looking pretty solid. She has a poltergeist's power to move physical objects through force of will; this power is too clumsy and inexact for any fine operations (pretty much she can make things float around). She can cause messages written in blood to appear on surfaces. She can manifest to people who can't usually see ghosts, but tends to appear in a ghastly, horrifying form when she does so. Being unbound by feet and gravity, she can fly. Her main talent, though, according to Mana, is concealment. Possibly as a consequence of her rock-bottom self esteem, Sayo is very very good at not being seen, even by people with powerful supernatural talents. Neither Mana nor Setsuna, both of whom have experience with ghosts and the like, were the slightest bit aware of Sayo's presence until Sayo started actively trying to make contact with her classmates.
Notes for the Psychics: Your mileage may vary as to whether you're able to read Sayo's mind at all. She exists on an almost entirely spiritual level at this point. If you do get in there, well, it's a pretty bleak place. Sayo has low self esteem and, in her own words, "a dark personality."
Can I shapeshift/bodyswap/spit at/step on/etc?: Very few people are able to hurt Sayo, simply by virtue of what she is; if you are one of those people (and happen to be the sort of person with a chip on your shoulder about ghosts), feel free to fall into some comic misunderstanding and try to exorcise/dispel/otherwise hunt Sayo down. 8D It's perfectly canon, and as long as it's done for comedy, I'm all for it!
Maim/Murder/Death: ...Just don't succeed at it! No actual sending her along to the afterlife or anything like that. D:
Cooking: If she knew, she's probably forgotten. Forty years of not having to eat will do that to a person.
Physical Affection: OH GOD DON'T BE CRUEL DDDD: Uh but seriously--Sayo can't really DO that. She likes getting patted on the head by Ari, one of the few people who can touch her. And if she really likes you she'll "possess" you--i.e. phase into your body and sort of...hang out there. She does this to Kazumi and Ari. Anyone else who can touch her who tries to do so will probably embarrass the Hell out of her and make her stammer a whole lot.

Age: Allegedly 14. I think she's lying, but it hasn't been confirmed either way in canon yet.
Height: Pretty tall--high 5' range? Again, I forget the exact number.
Medical Info: No health problems of note. In exceptionally good health. And is remarkably free of scars, given her history on the battlefield.
Eyes: Gold
Hair: Black
Physical traits: Pretty much a perfect physical specimen. Strong for her build, fast, agile, etc. Works out a lot to keep herself in shape. Totally hot.
What's Okay To Mention Around Him/Her: Stay away from her emo past. Mentioning she was a soldier is okay; she brings that up often enough herself. The stuff with the mage she was partnered to dying = no-no, partially because of emo and partially because of lack of canon information.
Mentionable IC: See above.
Abilities: Trained in just about every method of long-range combat imaginable, from rifles to pistols to throwing knives to coins she can flick at people as fast as bullets and hard enough to rip through hardwood flooring. Probably has some close-range/hand-to-hand training as well, but prefers to fight with projectiles. Is, unsurprisingly, an absolute deadeye shot. Part of this may be due to her Magan, or "Demon's Eye," a mostly-unexplained supernatural power that seems to boost her eyesight to beyond-human levels.
Notes for the Psychics: Lots of death and fighting in those memories. Be gentle! Also, Mana will probably be as pissed as Hell if anyone reads her thoughts without her permission.
Can I shapeshift/bodyswap/spit at/step on/etc?: Sure, but expect her to fight back. Mana is generally not aggressive unless she's been hired to be, but will not hesitate to defend herself. However, she is also shown as going out of her way to avoid lethal force unless it's called for, so she won't try and kill you unless she believes it's absolutely necessary.
Maim/Murder/Death: No thanks.
Cooking: Hahahahaha, probably not.
Physical Affection: Likes to ruffle the hair of--well, okay, the main example we have here is Negi. So that probably main applies to people younger/lower in station than her; I couldn't see her doing it to Soi Fong or Lady. Physical affection she doesn't expressly consent to will probably result in a knife held to the throat of the source of the unwelcome attention. So you're welcome to try, but don't expect to get away from it unscathed. 8D
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