Just.. posting this here to get it out. *lol* Not sure if it'll actually get written.
Takamachi Takahata strode down the hallway with the tall, brown haired man, his stance somewhat apologetic. "I'm sorry I had to call you in like this, but...."
The man in the duster coat shrugged slightly, "Well, I owed you a favor. But are you sure this is going to be all right?"
"The headmaster has cleared it," Takamachi said as they reached the classroom. "Stay here, I'll introduce you."
Within the classroom the normal ruckus continued, girls chattering happily and waiting for the start of class. "What sort of teacher do you think we'll get?" Nodoka asked nervously.
"Hopefully it'll be a interesting one," Yue noted calmly.
"It's Takahata-sensei!" Asuka sighed happily
"You'll be getting a new teacher this term," Takahata ignored the disapointed murmurs, "but our original choice has been unavoidably detained."
"That sounds interesting," Konoka murmured to Asuna
"So instead, an associate of mine from the united states will be filling in," he finished. Takahata turned to the door, "You can come in, now."
The class watched, wide eyed, as the tall, slightly rugged looking man strode in, dressed in the usual suits teachers wore. Unlike most teachers though he had a leather duster on, one that looked like it had been through a war or two. He reached the desk and turned to the class, his expression serious, but also somewhat kind.
"Wow," Asuna murmured.
"My name is Harry Dresden," he smiled wryly, "I'll be teaching English and being your homeroom teacher this term."