I know, I already did this one. But this time, I have characters from stories I actually -remember-. In spite of that, I don't think it's as interesting... ._.;;
1. Shigenori (Yuushi Blue to Green)
2. Ayana (Purikura)
3. Kiyoshi (Ukina Koukou)
4. Chiharu (Ongaku no Kyuutei)
5. Shoudai (Purikura)
6. Kazuaki (Shinseki)
7. Rakuten (Ongaku no Kyuutei)
8. Momo (13-ban)
9. Hiroshi (Ukina Koukou)
10. Setsuna (13-ban)
11. Kagerou (Purikura)
12. Wataru (Shinseki)
13. Kou (Yuushi Blue to Green)
14. Neko (Ongaku no Kyuutei)
15. Yuuta (Purikura)
16. Akemi (Can't remember)
17. Nami (Ukina Koukou)
18. Yuumi (Ongaku no Kyuutei)
19. Kuromi (13-ban)
20. Rumi (Shinseki)
1. Three and One get ahold of some drinks. What happens after they're both drunk?
I dunno. They might do it. They are both gay...
2. Who would win in a fight between Nine and Seventeen?
Aw, they wouldn't fight. Dey wuv each otha...
3. What if Eighteen got Nine pregnant?
Well, that'd have to be nine getting 18 pregnant... She'd prolly be pissed, and he'd be at a loss, what to do...
4. If Nineteen was tied up, what would Three and Twenty do to him/her if there were no consequences?
Hm, Kiyoshi (3) wouldn't do anything. Rumi (20) might.
5. What would happen if Eight and Five were the only survivors after a war?
That'd be the end of the human race, because Momo's a robot, incapable of getting pregnant.
6. What kinky things would Four and Twelve use during sex?
Hm, neither of them really seem into that...
7. If Six and Ten decided to get together, what would the responses be?
People... would be pissed :D
8. Thirteen is hurt very badly in a fight. How would Ten react?
He'd probably try and get him medical help, but he wouldn't really care, that much
9. What are the chances of Ten, Twelve, and Seven getting together?
I don't think so. They're all really tied to their lovers...
10. If Sixteen died, what would Five do?
He might be sad, or something...
11. Who is hotter? Thirteen or Fifteen?
It's been a while since I've drawn Yuuta (15), and Kou is kinda weird... I dunno. I think probably Yuuta.
12. Fifteen dares Three and Sixteen to make out. Do they do it?
Ewwwww... noooooo.... pedophilia..... ewwww
13. What position would Seven and Fourteen use?
They... wouldn't >.>
14. One wakes up with Six next to them in bed. What is his/her first thought?
'... Eh. He has purple hair, too. Close enough...'
15. Could Nineteen/Five/Eighteen happen successfully?
I could see Shoudai/Yuumi, not Shoudai/Kuromi...
16. Four randomly grabs Fourteen and demands to talk. What about?
Probably about the fate of the world.
17. Fifteen's best pickup line for Twenty would be...?
I dunno... He's kind of awkward. lol
18. What would Seven yell at Sixteen over?
I dunno... stop being a little kid?
19. What would a combined attack be like between Eighteen and Fifteen?
Some... magical... musical... photo attack.... I dunno...
20. Four and Two are sitting alone and watching the stars together. What happens?
They notice Orion.
21. If Eleven and Five were locked in a room together, what would happen?
Make ooooooout
22. What does Two think of Six?
She probably thinks he's cute. What girl doesn't? >.>
23. Could Ten and Seventeen ever love each other?
Nami would fall for Setsuna at a first glance, but he wouldn't be interested in her, in the least.
24. Five, Seven, One, and Nineteen play a game of poker. Who wins, and what prize do they want?
I think Shoudai (5) is the most cunning and street-smart, so he'd probably win. What he'd want, probably for Kuromi strip or make out with him, or something >.>
25. Nine, Six, and Twelve go on an adventure together. Does this team work out well?
Hm... I think there'd be some conflict between Kazuaki and Wataru.
26. Would Fourteen risk his/her life to save Eight?
Yeah. She's obligated
27. Eight and One would argue about what the most?
I don't know that Momo knows -how- to fight, but Shigenori would probably get pissed over her being so simple.
28. If Thirteen and Nine had sex, who would dominate?
29. Ten walks in on Two masturbating. What happens?
They'd both probably freeze, and Setsuna would gain just enough composure to walk out and shut the door.
30. Twenty daydreams of having sex with Fourteen, even if they would not normally do it. What do they do in this dream?
Probably, like, everything >.>
31. Eleven breaks down and starts crying. If Three is the only one around, how would he/she try to help?
He's be a shoulder to cry on, and listen to her problems.
32. What if Sixteen suddenly started hating Twelve? What problems would it cause?
None, other than that it would be werid O.o
33. Four and Eleven suddenly kiss in front of Nineteen. How would Nineteen react?
She probably wouldn't care
34. Would Twenty willingly allow Seven to top?
Rumi wouldn't willingly let Rakuten do anything.
35. What would happen if Seven walked in on Seventeen and Four having sex?
He would want Nami to get the hell off his girlfriend >.>
36. Do you think Ten has ever even considered trying to get with Six?
Nope. They're both very straight.
37. How did Sixteen and Eleven meet?
They haven't.
38. Twenty is horny and eight is the only one around. Will they do the deed?
Possibly. I wouldn't put it past Rumi to convince her, but it would probably confuse the hell out of Momo.
39. Two suddenly starts hitting on Twelve. Would Twelve like it or dislike it?
He might be into it.
40. How would a conversation between Twenty and Seventeen go?
I'm not sure... I can't really see them striking up a conversation.
41. There is a love triangle between Eleven, Fifteen, and Eighteen. Who is in the middle?
Yuuta, as he's the only guy >.>
42. Five and Thirteen are having a kid together! How did this happen, and what reactions would they have?
Um, they kind of can't... No uterus...
43. How could Three and Ten as a couple happen?
44. Four and Seventeen have sex while drunk. Would either one of them actually be glad it happened?
They'd both really regret it
45. Six and Thirteen fall asleep on each other. What happens when Eighteen walks in on them in the morning?
She probably wouldn't really care.
46. If asked who Two is to Seventeen, what would he/she say?
"That trendy mogu gal, from Kansai."
47. How would Fourteen defeat Nineteen in a battle?
Using her magical powers... which I still have yet to figure out, for her ._.;;
48. Eighteen suddenly gets amnesia. Why would Fifteen be upset about this?
He probably wouldn't...
49. Would Thirteen be willing to do oral with Nineteen?
Probably not, less he was receiving...
50. One overhears Eight is cheating on his/her partner! What does One do?
He doesn't give a crap.