Cue my mini-translation because it tickled my fancy. This is just the part I liked most (for obvious bias related reasons).
Edit: I ended up translating the whole thing, because I am lame like that:p
Why hello.
It's me.
This is something that happened the other day, when the five of us were at a press conference, moving through the airport via car.
Aiba-kun got all excited by himself, while looking out the window.
Aiba: "WOW! That's awesome! That the first time I've seen it! So that's what Skytree looks like!? It really is huge!!!!"
Nino: "Ah, no.... That's an airport control tower."
He is an amazing person.
As per normal he went and got 120% emotional over something he wasn't even certain about.
.... While looking at an airport control tower....
He probably wanted to back down, but it seemed as though he couldn't.
Aiba: "I don't care!!! That's my Skytree!!! It really is huge! It's amazing!!"
...he continued, and just kept being moved by the whole experience.
He really is amazing.
This is something that happened the other day when I was on location for the movie.
I was watching my phone expectanlty during the lunch break, when I recieved an e-mail.
It was an e-mail addressed to "Sakaurai and Ninomiya", from Matusmoto-kun.
"When you get through customs, this is waiting for you!"
Along with the words was a picture of Aiba and Ohno standing in front of the poster, doing the exact same poses as in they were in the poster.
He's so diligent!
He's too diligent!!
That's right.
That day was the opening ceremony and exhibition of the international airport in Tokyo.
Matsumoto sent a photograph of what was going on at the event to myself and Nino, who were unable to attend due to Movie and drama filming, respectively.
On top of that, Matsumoto wasn't even in the photograph.
If I were to guess, I'd say it was because he was the one taking the photograph.
He should have been in the photo!!!
He should have taken the opportunity to be in the photo with them, and ask one of the Manager's to take it!!
Ah well...
He has so much integrity, that man,
Anyway 2
During filming that day.
Seeing little old me in a pajamas and a cardigan, Miyazaki Aoi turned to me and said this:
Aoi: Sakurai-kun, you are looking a bit like a mother today (laugh)
Sakurai: Oh deary me. Gosh, do you really think so?
..... And a mini-skit unfolded.....
Staff: Sakurai-san, please come on set!
Aoi: See you later, Mother!
Sakurai: Why yes. I shall be heading off then, my dear!
... with little conversations just like that.
Well, with all this and that going on, the filming for the movie has almost come to and end.
I'm doing my best to play the part of Ichito, everyday!
Note: Sky tree is the new broadcasting tower they are building which is going to be about 664 metres tall when complete......
It looks nothing like an airport control tower.......
Sho is win <3